::: Lovers Creek ::: for Friends by Mad-Mike
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-- It's pretty cool how my terrain work evolved from a simple [one terrain] Valley farm scene [up close] to a very big valley, to a river with snow terrains... all the way up to this *special* lovers creek located directly behind my estate. and only you my *friends* get this *rare* glimpse of it! because your cool, and I like ya lots :) so with that said, wish you all a very pleasant and nice day, stress free, no worries, no pains, just be happy and lively! And ahhhh... now I need to catch up quite a bit in comments! lol but I do not mind, for you are special and deserving of one! Peace
Comments (40)
LOL.. you are funny. The guys know they are adored, as are you. this is wonderful, the big purple heart looks like a big fluffy cushion, so I think I will sleep there for the night! Nite nite and take care.
Lovely hearts! I like the way they glow.
Beautiful composition! Fantastic lighting!
Love the Heart illumination and the night sky/atmosphere.
Awwww, this is so nice...kiss, kiss :)
What a sweetheart you are, Mike. Very sweet scene and sentiment, thank you!
So beautiful, big hug my friend!!!!!!!
BEAUTIFUL image and such a warm and touching tribute. Exceptionally well done, my friend.
It is wonderful to have been plainly jumped to suggest.
LOL I'm quite happy not being adored Mike (apart from Debz of course). Lovely lit hearts and great image Mike. Gawd, why don't I go to bed. I have to be up in 5 hours to catch a plane to Cyprus LOL. Tony :-)