Thu, Dec 19, 12:40 PM CST

Who let the COWS out?

Photography Scenic posted on Apr 29, 2008
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SORRY MOOre cows... Oh I do have a photo of a VERY old fire truck does any one want to see that? Lol. Okay I will be back later after America Idol, yes guilty I watch that, Neil Diamonds going to be on it tonight YEE HAW! Who could miss that? He is one of my all time favorites. Have a great night!

I’m in the Moooo…d! thumb_1665299.jpg

What sound do you hear when you drop a water-balloon on a cow?


Comments (33)



4:14PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Nice photo. Very nice color, too!



4:15PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

nice capture



4:18PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Great image! Beautiful colour on the grass and barn. Just waiting for the heffers to mooo-ve on over to the haybale for supper. Great capture and YES! Share the firetruck, please!



4:23PM | Tue, 29 April 2008




4:24PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Nice cow pick! I love the fresh colors and your compo... Enjoy Neil Diamond - he is a legend!!! xx



4:34PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Very cute and funny, now you just need someone to record the song for you :)


5:15PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Very nice once again... love the colors and lighting.



5:16PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

WOW fantastic!!!!!!!!



5:18PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Hope you're on the other side of the fence. That looks like a pretty tough herd LOL. Love the nice bright colors. I've never seen American Idol, so I can't help you with that addiction. :-)



5:23PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

When i was young there were cows near my grandmother house. I remember the smelling and the mooooo's. Good souvenirs !!!



5:26PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

lol, nice title. lovely pic, great colors



5:29PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Great lighting in this and love those cows!


Gwyn Tyger

5:40PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

who did let the cows out?



6:00PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

excellent capture, the colors are beautiful, great work.



6:20PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

those ghost riders at it again letting those cows out . cool image


7:08PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

LOL@Jock:)))...This is a great capture and a very cool title :)...AH yes the tallented Jazz Singer, I have loved Neil Diamond for years, Song sung blue:))ah those were the days, they show American Idol here in the UK, Can't stand that Simon Cowell geezer...ahaaaa, now we come full circle to the bull..LOL!



7:29PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Lol your moo jokes really make me laugh over here rotflmao haha!!! I love this capture you did Lynell :-) the lighting is very good. have a nice night. Take care



8:11PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

I love it ... but now I got that song stuck in my head!! LOL



9:59PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

The girls are out! Great capture!



10:08PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ROBY ;o)



10:14PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

I find the old barn in the background very interesting as well as the bossy one and her 3 mates. Great POV.



11:33PM | Tue, 29 April 2008

A wonderful capture of the heartland, well slightly east of the heartland. Nevertheless a nice rustic picture!


1:00AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

A fun shot. Beautiful cows and that barn is wonderful!



1:26AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Who? Who? Who let the cows out? Not me ma'am, I hadn't finished milking them yet. I think maybe they got out them selves, there's an hen night over the field at the next farm, one of the horses is getting hitched. They get worse. roflmao @ PD154 and the Simon COWell line. Excellent capture. Bravo!!!!!



4:48AM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Why does one cow look at you intently and the others go on eatting or just look around. Is she the guardian cow? What does it mean when a calf becomes the guardian and all the cows go about their businees unnoticing? How come the herd does not respond to shyness or even bolting backward by the guradian? Is there a level of vigilance that guides the disrespect of goosiness?



4:35PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Looks like Renderosity has gone to the cows!!! ;-) David



6:53PM | Wed, 30 April 2008

Great color! Neil Diamond night was disapointing. The kids did not do his work justice.



1:22AM | Thu, 01 May 2008

Very nice cows. They seem to want to have a little stroll in the park :-) Great shot !



6:20PM | Thu, 01 May 2008

Lmao at the title. And yes I wanna see the firetruck. Amd Neil Diamond rocks. Saw him in concert in san diego in the late 80's



9:47PM | Fri, 02 May 2008

Super capture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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