Thu, Dec 19, 8:46 AM CST

" Tiempos Pasados " II

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 23, 2008
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" Tiempos Pasados " II La familia Suipacha, llego a la ciudad a comienzos del 1750 Una familia extranjera, orgullosa de sus buenas costumbres casi aristocrática. Una terrible guerra obligo a los Suipacha a salir de su tierra en busca de nuevos horizontes. Don Felipe Suipacha era martillero de profesión, de familia de martilleros, un hombre de gran estirpe y presencia… Según cuentan los del pueblo, el remato y loteo las mas importantes estancias del lugar; haciendo que sus dueños ganaran importantes sumas de dinero. Su esposa Matilde Dora Margarita Lorenzo, le dio doce hijos, ocho mujeres y cuatro varones. Todas las habitaciones de la casa estaban ocupadas, tenían servicio de lavanderas y de cocineras...Cada viernes era un espectáculo ver los tendales de ropa recién lavada. En el patio, los juegos y las risas de los niños, vestían de alegría la tarde, aunque alguna vez se armaba la pelea normales de hermanos, pero todo volvía a la calma después del grito de la señora de la casa. Así volví a viajar hoy en mi imaginación. Espero que les guste mi trabajo Muchas gracias por sus comentarios Roby *************************************************** "Past Times" II The family Suipacha, came to the city in early 1750 A foreign family, proud of their decency almost aristocratic. A terrible war forced to Suipacha to leave their homeland in search of new horizons. Don Felipe Suipacha was martillero by profession, family martilleros, a man of great lineage and presence… According to the villagers, the auctioneer and loteo the most important place stays; making their owners earn large sums of money. His wife Matilda Dora Margaret Lawrence, gave him twelve children, eight women and four men. All rooms of the house were occupied, had service washers and cooks ... Every Friday was a spectacle to see the Tendal freshly washed clothes. In the courtyard, games and laughter of children, wearing joy of the afternoon, but once the fight armaba normal brothers, but all returned to calm after the cry of the lady of the house. So I went back today to travel in my imagination. I hope you enjoy my job Thank you for your comments Roby

Comments (66)



5:43PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

a wonderful place this is



5:48PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

wonderful old brick building !!


5:52PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

It looks rather "ummoving and stern." I would hope this family was not that way. It does have a feeling of history about it, but still, a very rigid place.



5:54PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

A very austere place now where once was much bustle.



5:55PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

preciosa y melancolica, bonita y triste captura amigo Roby



6:03PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Fun building. It's basically the same era, I think, of most of the "old" buildings I grew up around, late 1800s, it looks like. I like the photo and the travelling in your imagination, too. Great stuff.



6:05PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Ay que edificio lindo!.



6:23PM | Wed, 23 July 2008




6:30PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

impressive shot.. well done roby


6:52PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Wonderful atmosphere Roby. I love the textures and old colors. Old is sometimes good. Aloha



6:52PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

excelente trabajo muy bello amigo



8:36PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

el contraste, el color y el detalle, hacen de esta imagen realmente se destacan. gran trabajo. (the contrast, the color, and the detail make this image really stand out. great job.)



8:39PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Roby, you again give us history in a fine photo and your take on the events. Thanks to you, friend. This is both pleasing to the eye and the thought.



9:28PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

marvelous roby!



10:17PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Very nice this image!



10:23PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

A building with loads of character, excellent!



10:30PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Beautiful story and cool old building



10:42PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

not a very "homey" place for children, that is for sure



10:59PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

What a lovely story you have woven to compliment this interesting image. It fits so well!



11:02PM | Wed, 23 July 2008

Very nice shot and story -_^



12:25AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

you can see the history on this house. Many different times passed. i like this very much, Roby.



1:25AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Yo realmente como esta imagen tanto Roby, su trabajo es siempre emocionante. Gracias por la historia detrás de esta imagen magnífica mi amigo



1:35AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Very Nice Story Roby and the photo is wonderful, too!!!



1:37AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Excellent capture my friend.



1:46AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

sehr schöne Aufnahme von diesem alten Gebäude!



2:26AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Muy buen punto de vista, que realza la perspectiva. Estupenda composicion



2:26AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Superb! the information brings an old and quite sad looking building to life!



3:12AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

Wonderful shot!



4:36AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

You travel so well in your imagination,dearest Roby. I too would have loved to see this home when it rang with the voices of children. Thank you for sharing your history with us all. Hugs and love for all day. DiDi. xx



5:03AM | Thu, 24 July 2008

A veces el pasado puede ser bonito de recordar, pero siempre hay que tener una mirada hacia el futuro! ;) Paz K+raven

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/2.9
Shutter Speed10/3517
ISO Speed50
Focal Length6

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