Living together by clam73
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Sometimes even the Creators hit the "creative block" and when it happens, they know very well what to do. They have to face a long journey in the multiverse or universe (it's up to you) for the mystical place of "Living Together" where you can find again the sparkle or the juices of your creativity by connecting with the mental power of the owner of this beautiful place. Living together is the result from combining two corporeal entities: "the Beast" which represents the strength, not only the bodily or muscolar power but the universal strength in many forms and states.....the same force that holds all together atoms, molecules giving us "the matter"; the second guy is "the Knowledge" and represents himself at the maximum his human body is the synthesis of the truths, facts accumulated in the course of time from the beginning until now. As you can see here, don't be afraid for his aspect....maybe not too friendly, but believe me! go on and speak with this guy about your problems, he might become your best friend and forever!!
This time I enjoied spend fun and time with photo-manipulation and 3D....for this reason
I have considered to insert this work in mixed medium gallery.The work flow was: Poser-Daz studio-Bryce-Photoshop.
I want to dedicate this work to all of you artists here in Renderosity, great digital community with fantasticpeople and talented artists, I'm very glad to be part of it. In particular I must say a big thanks to:
melevos shutterbugs
barryjeffer marcopolinski
Shirahime kleinhoon
shadownet ccbig
nosawayne Eleandras
choronr Digital_Mischief
Thanks for stopping. I appreciate your support and all the comments on this and all my previous works.Also a big thanks to everyone who added me and my works as a favourite.
Have a nice week ;-)

Comments (187)
Totally awesome sci-fi!
Magnific creation..I like it a lot! :)
Gorgeous imaginative work! Love the story behind it as well! 10+
wonderful concept
What a splendid sci-fi image! Gorgeous and unique work. Bunny
Thank you Clam, I really appreciated your dedication and I loved the image!!!!!!
Wow this is an inspiring image. I think you are dead on with your theory too.
Not only is this dazzling image a treat for the eyes, but also, your writing takes one into deep thought about the human psyche. A fantastic piece of art and writing skills.
Very nice and love the colors
Absolutely gorgeous! Amazing detail and colors!
Thanks for the dedication, I am honored. This is not just a wonderful work of art, but also a great bit of writing... and as stated above, I agree with your theory. Excellent job!!
Once again you have created a very impressive image. The narative is always interesting. Well done my friend :) Don
great work on the manipulation, love the flowing water, tentacles and character, nice job!! lol steve
A very creative render! Thank you for the ultra cool dedication!
wow this is fabulous!! i love the color choices and the creativity you have acheived here and for creative block this is damn good blockage ;)
Fantastic work - a great fantasy!
Trapped in the peak of perfection, excellence hinders addition.
Fantastic image
This is absolutely mindblowing in full view! Outstanding work!
My friend this is so amazing and really feels like a magical coming together of great forces.
OK, I get it. I read what I have to do... I have to tell this guy my problems... I only have enough quarters to do one load... I have maybe 5 loads to do... How can you get me the quarters for the other loads??? Oh, You don't want to hear those poblems, nevermind - lol Looks like that guy has his own problems, he's all tied up in pussy - octopussy that is - lol cool image.
Thank you for the dedication and the important reminder of what the source is. It shines through us, we are merely a messenger or one of the light beams that stream from the prism when light passes through it. The picture you have made for all of us to share and marvel at is magical and fantastic. It looks absolutely electrical. Every element of this wonderous piece speaks to me in a deep symbolic manner: the water, the tentacles, the character in the center, the Buddha behind it all and the electrical light that suffuses the entire picture ... WOW!! This is a tour de force!! When we go to art galleries and see amazing pieces, they make us stop and think. This is such a superb masterpiece. You art is so grand in scale and comes from a place way beyond the mundane. Thanks for sharing so generously your creative genius with us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic colors and composition. Fantastis work.
Fantastic work !!!!
Thank you very much.E X C E L L E N T !!!!
Wonderful !!!!!
Wonderful image! Superb colours and composition! 5+
Super narrative and a grand scale render. Like how you have used many different mediums to achieve the final result. The creativity flows from this one.