The Magnificent Seven by clam73
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Wow! I'm back again......this time was tough, after struggling for the whole month of November with personal health problems and the first ten days of December with pc's health problems, now, all it seems fine (F%&$!!!!...shut up!....don't say it!). I miss all of you and from now I restart as usual like visiting your galleries and commenting your works.
About my last work:
Was the Society of "Florandhia" to assure a future for the planets survived after the holocaust.
The Society found a safe cave on "Essenthia", few hundreds miles underground, where to store their precious anphoras. Essenthia was the last planet discovered just before the "Black Implosion" no one is informed about this place.
Florandhia was the most advanced, intelligent planet of the whole "M51" galaxy...better known as "Whirlpool Galaxy". Their knowledge in eco-microbiological sciences was huge and sofisticate, as logical consequence Florandhia started with the rescue mission in all galaxy. They conceived these bio-amphoras and one of them
is able to rebuild the vegetation of an entire planet in few days...the concept is founded on a chain reaction principles.
As you can see, only four bio-amphoras are left from the original seven.....but you have to deal with their guardians and believe's not easy to gain their trust.
Only who is really keen and careful to protect the Life in every form and at any cost, will be rewarded for a better life, becoming the protector for his planet......not bad isn't?!.....the question is...andwho fail?...
well, I prefer leave to you the final thought!
Rendered and composed in Bryce 6.1 and postwork in photoshop CS3. I have push Bryce to his limit on my system, so the final render is composed by three renders because the main scene was too big.
The characters are posed and imported from Daz Studio 2 and I enjoyed to mix few things on V3:
archon wings and witch tendrils from Darkworld Design, claws and head from RDNA, faithkeeper with mask and suit from Veronica year three by Uzilite Studio. All the rest was modelled by me.
Thanks for stopping. I appreciate your support and all the comments on this and all my previous works.
Also a big thanks to everyone who added me and my works as a favourite.I want to dedicate this work to:
allnaydi-----Cherylamie ----pixelmeister
thank you guys for your support, you are fantastic and have a great week-end! ;-)

Comments (154)
Excellent work, well done...
Wow, very creative and wonderful composition !Beautiful full size details!
Fantastic work and futuristic scene! Excellent
Very, very cool work. Welcome back!
Wow, what a comeback! Beautiful work and thank you for the dedication :)
Man your stories and images are great, good to see you back...we've all missed ya. seth
Stunning image with a powerful eco-message! Wonderful detail.
Amazing detailing! Can I pick which pod I wanna live in?
Marvelous my friend!
Historia magnifica obra soberba meu amigo, aplausos (5)
Excellent image and bryce work.
Darn cool work! Always well and stunning!
This is great. So imaginative. A fantastic render and I love all those individual ecosystems. Well done!
Welcome back. Great render!
Very impressive picture :)
Excellent work and a return with a great story and very interesting render. Hope your health is better and that of your pcs.
eekdog Online Now!
glad too see you back, hope thing are getting better for you. and a maginicent image. /s
welcome back ! We were missing you there :-) Nice picture for your return... Love the composition and your story. Merry Christmas to you !
Awesome creation and great background story my friend. I'm glad to see you back again and thank you so much for the dedication :)
WOw...really creative imagery and narrative. Glad to hear your health has improved....personal and PC.
Clod I'm so sorry for your health problems and hope your better now my friend. This image is great, really a wild and magical ride. It is so nice to have you back. As pointed out by Keith your narrative really made it complete.
Very cool creation!! :)
Welcome back..what a superb creation! Perfectly done..more please :)
Oh, yes, so different and amazing detail!
Original that it is,and a distinct possibility in the future too come
A world in a bottle with more bottles in that world..... the end will come, with effort we can preserve our best and finest! seriously awesome work!
Wow, really neat sci-fi narrative and scene.
Utterly fantastic concept, and not easy to do! There are so many wonderful variations on objects and lighting effects I don't know where to start. Coupled with your fascinating narrative, you have a solid winner here.
Outstanding Bryce work!! I hope you are getting better!!
So Glad your better and back! This is an amazing scene. Happy Holidays to You & Yours.