Sun, Feb 9, 11:28 AM CST


Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jan 14, 2009
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Gracias por mirar.

Comments (13)



10:11AM | Wed, 14 January 2009

miro miro, me encanta, ademas que parezca real mas todavía. gracias por compartir..



10:17AM | Wed, 14 January 2009

Very cool and brilliant capture...bravissimo!V:DDD.Hugsxx



10:44AM | Wed, 14 January 2009

Fantástica imagen!!


12:09PM | Wed, 14 January 2009

I really like the shapes, texures and lines created by the extreme POV of this image....very nicely done!



12:46PM | Wed, 14 January 2009

Good capture erland



5:20PM | Wed, 14 January 2009

an interesting idea and shot!



7:18PM | Wed, 14 January 2009

Great POV and composition!



11:11PM | Sun, 18 January 2009

Your gallery is a wonderful discovery, I hope to comment on every image eventually. This simple parasol has the feeling of a fine Japanese print or silk painting. Your detailing in the fabric seems perfect, and the shadows seeping through it are quite beautiful, especially in the lower-left corner. You also showed us the imperfections in the parasol, which give it genuine character; and those red spots at the top (looks like cherries got crushed in the spokes!) make wonderful visual contrasts. Even your framing is nice: It looks as if you've actually stretched the fabric over a frame; and your green border works well with the green of the parasol. Must be seen full-view to see all this! What can I say, you're really, really good. Will be back for more...



8:48PM | Tue, 20 January 2009

con idad si tiene nuevo texturas y colores.captura fina



1:47PM | Wed, 21 January 2009

I love the effect of the faint light and the shadow of the plants lying on the dusty and forgotten umbrella. Looks like a tropical storm is going to invade the scene..Exotic and soffisticated shot. Me encanta el efecto de la tenue luz y la sombra de las plantas que reposan en el polvoriento y olvidado paraguas. Parece que una tormenta tropical va a invadir la escena...Exótica y sofisticada toma.



2:00PM | Sat, 24 January 2009




10:18AM | Tue, 03 March 2009

Very nice, love it ! :)



1:36PM | Wed, 21 November 2012

Beautiful. Love the light in this shot.

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