Thu, Dec 19, 12:14 PM CST

A mother's lonely World War (tribute to my mother)

Mixed Medium People posted on Feb 07, 2009
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A repost from my old gallery.. Not a planned post....spontaneous. Yesterday i experienced a fine piece of work, from an artist called BarryJeffer. And yet once more... i realized how much, war.. bring endless suffering amongst humans. After feeling Seth's post... i knew instinctively that i had to post my dead mother's tribute again. World War cost 56 million human lives, of people from 29 different countries. Most people..want to forget about it....just learn by the mistakes made...And avoid repeating them...except for the politicians we elect, of course. Doing my mother's memorial, makes it inevitable for me to talk about World War II... Because it had a massive impact on her life, through 64 years(1939-2003). This is an appreciation and tribute to my mother(1921 to 2003). This is also a dedication to all germans, americans and englishmen.. and everyone else that advocate against all wars. Because my stand on that matter is... that every war, is one war too many. I will tell you here, why i took this stand, many years ago, and why i will never change it. My mother was a freelance nurse in Copenhagen during World War II(1939-1945). She witnessed many cruelties... more than most normal people can handle mentally. The bombing of the french Jeanne D'arc school, and the Shell House is only a few of them. If anyone should come to Copenhagen they have the option of seeing, the memorial in front of the Jeanne D'arc School, for the 123 killed civilians, of which 87 was children. The bombing of the school was accidental... and that happen in all wars. But it doesn't make it any better. Seeing things like that happen... the sound of it... the feeling of broken glass, in a diameter of several kilometers... treating the wounded... covering up the bodies of a lot of children, and danish freedom fighters... How would that feel to a young nurse.......? My mother was also arrested and interrogated several times by the Gestapo... For her possible connection to an officer among the danish freedom fighters. This young man literally died in her arms. They figured she might have gotten some valuable secrets from him. So they went hard on her to be sure she told everything worth knowing... What did that do, to a 24 year old woman.......? She never forgot these incidents... they were burned into her memory for the next 57 years. It was a hard and difficult burden, but it was her cross, to bear.. She had sleeping problems for the next 57 years... some times she cried at night... a light depression now and then. But i think my father's love for her... made it much more painless than it could have been. As a child.. i did not understand why she would cry sometimes... but i learned during growth. Even aged 80.. she could tell in scary details how the young danish freedom fighters died in her arms. How their pulse became slower... how their breath became heavier.. and how it felt to hold them... In that second when their heart stopped beating... I always listened patiently... because i knew it was her way of handeling the pain and traume. But it was scary to listen to...believe me.. Unfortunately... worldwide incompetent politicians still start wars for all the wrong reasons.... Therefore it is our obligation as earth citizens.. to elect politicians with our hearts... not with our wallets. So maybe we should do that...Before the next World War starts....:) Anyway.. my mother finally found peace in her tormented soul, december 2003. It took almost 58 years before World War II finally ended...for her. This documentary might feel tough to some.... but try to imagine how it would feel to experience it. My mother's picture in the upper right corner is a scan of an old picture taken in the late 1940's. This is the story about how one war, affected one life through 64 years, night and day. Anyway... if you can feel this.. you know you are alive. To be a whole person...We need to be able to laugh..and cry.

Comments (45)



9:19AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Very good and detailed composition.



9:20AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

lovely composition my friend



9:52AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

so sorry to hear the story but it is true to a lot of people around the world. your image is stron too.



10:01AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Very moving tribute, Lars and a wonderful image! Well done!



10:31AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

I am truly moved by your dedication and description, as I try to write with tears streaming down from my eyes! A marvelous and worthy artwork! Truly of the most excellent caliber! 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++



10:32AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

I rememeber this dedication well Lars and am as touched by it now as I was then. It's a shame that going to war over almost anything seems to be in man's nature.



10:56AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Einstein was a smart man... what could he possibly try to tell us? With a statement like this one: I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones....Albert Einstein.



11:04AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

I remember this touching render. it's still beautifully touching. I'm sorry your mother had to endure what she did, but God bless the angels like her who do. hugs



11:15AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

first of all,my deepest respect to your mother,and of course to you ,because you bring it up.and that is a good cause. i felt with barryjeffer when i saw his image yesterday,and i must say again,thank the big spirit ,because he let me come here only after this war,in 1955,and in luxembourg we had already by the time i turned 18 a volunteer army.but of course we as kids got the storys as well. but not soo deep as you got them first hand from your mother. your mother was a beautiful woman as well i see on the small picture,she reminds me my mom,i lost her when i was 17. oops i have to stop now,it comes up. outstanding creation you did,and kiss your mother in your heart from me,she may see us. i wish you a very nice and a peaceful weekend my friend. you are one of the goog ones here. hugs rene



11:17AM | Sat, 07 February 2009




11:53AM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Beautiful image and a very moving dedication that touches the heart. I am 100% with you on your feelings about war. I only wish the "powers that be" felt the same way :( Your mother was a very brave and dedicated nurse... so sorry she had to endure what she did, but it made her the person you lovingly dedicate this image to. Wonderful tribute my friend :)



12:04PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

excellent and very touching image lars and great dedication to the most important person in your life and you know already that i am agree with you here..awesome work as always..



12:14PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Your image and story are most heart felt and touching. I don't understand war and never will. Awesome work!!!



12:16PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Excellent erland



12:30PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Hi Lars, beautiful image and a very moving dedication for your mother. I am 100% with you on your feelings about war. I only wish the "powers that be" felt the same way - Wonderful tribute my dear friend! Hug's from Ute



12:38PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Very beautiful dedication to your Mother. Makes you wonder what people tell themselves to justify war...



2:30PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

Splendid dedication and beautiful image!! Great work!!



4:33PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

The price of war is terrible in many ways and unfortunately continues for years after the battle have been fought.



6:41PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

I'm speechless, such a beautiful dedication.



7:16PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

This is beautiful. Chronicaling her life, recalling her pain and her heroism and strength, what a wonderful thing for a son to do. She is smiling, I believe, because her son did this for her, and because her is the man he is today, against war no matter where or when.



8:17PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

What a beautiful dedication, Lars. Nice work on composing this.



8:41PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

A wonderful tribute Lars, and a worthy stand!



10:47PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

very meaningful tribute Lars. I recall the last time you posted this.My mother did not experience first hand the war, but felt the pains of very little food and not being able to provide for her family.I was born during the war as well as another sister that died very young, before I was born



10:50PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

I'm so glad you have posted this again. Fabulous image and a wonderful tribute. War is such an awful thing for all.



11:24PM | Sat, 07 February 2009

What a beautiful tribut and image. I'm so thankful I didn't have to go go to Vietnam. Everyone I knew who went ther came back different. Your mother would be proud....



4:05AM | Sun, 08 February 2009

I'm beginning to realize, Lars, that you evoke deep and heartfelt feelings from your viewers, and your gallery is a gathering place of hearts...this is a beautiful image, typically (for you) filled with your sense of transcendence even where there is pain; and your words are very moving for everyone. My parents were free of war, but my grandparents came from the cauldrons of Eastern Europe, and I had the privilege of studying with many refugees from WWII and from Stalin, where I heard many similar stories. (When you studied classical music in the 50s thru 70s in America, you studied with European refugees). But moreso—and I'll share more with you another time—I've done service, and have had the privilege of speaking with many people from war from all over the world, who'd been through experiences just like your mom's. No, those experiences never go away, they stay deep, deep down; and for all their pain they're a rare legacy because they speak mountains of the human condition, and I much appreciate your sharing bits of your mom's here... The blood-stained bottom portion of your painting, along with what looks like your mom in a nurse's outfit (stained by blood too) is met by transcendent clouds, abandoned arches which feel like they have dignity still, the beautiful surreal image of the tree, and the swan with the rose (and the couple above, ditto)—very strong images of hope, even in sadness—and the image of your mom top-right, whose sweetness-of-spirit seems to permeate the image with hope that is antidote to horror. Another very thoughtful image from you, eliciting thoughtful responses, and with transcendence and love woven throughout. You make us grateful...Very fine work.



4:47AM | Sun, 08 February 2009

A wonderful image and a touching tribute !



11:51AM | Sun, 08 February 2009

Very nice image and tribute! Well done.



1:10PM | Sun, 08 February 2009

Absolutely stunning image. A fantastic tribute to an obviously remarkable and wonderful person. Amazing work.



4:45PM | Sun, 08 February 2009

Lars again you create such a beautiful tribute with a very strong message. Your mother would have been so proud. hugs Jane xx

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