Hi there :)
Welcome to my little space on Renderosity.
What can I say about me? Well I am a 44 ear old single mum of two boys who are 17 and 21. I started poser back in 2005.....omg 11years ago! and learnt everything I know from scratch and only had basic help to start with. I still have so much more to learn.
My art is of all genres as you can see but most of it is emotional pictures. I deal with emotions and things going on in my life by pouring my feelings into art. It helps me get on with things by doing this. I also have some fun images and I love to do pin ups with a fun theme.
I took ill about 2 years ago and unfortunately have not been able to do some art for a while. I miss doing it incredibly and hope to start again soon. Also my mum passed away in November, four days after being diagnosed with cancer. One minute she was there and next minute she was gone. Mums death hit me hard but I have some exceptional friends and the saying you find out who your friends are at times of need is true. I certainly found out who was a genuine friend and who was just looking for someone to fil in the gaps or pass the time.
I have some amazing friends here on Renderosity. Some are exceptionally close. Ruthie, Julie, Brandy, Emma, Steve, Angie just to name a few
Anyway take a peek around my gallery if you wish and if you like my work you could always buy a print a www.originalkitten.deviantart.com/prints. If there is a print you want and it isn't in the store feel free to ask me.
Thank you for coming to look and have a great day.
Lots of love...Lou xox
Comments (31)
Kids.. I know.. I have a few of them myself.. smiles Most wonderful close-up!
Real quality! Fabulous art, stunningly created and showing the pain and hardship you're going through. Always here, Babe. Just txt, ring send a message ANYTHING! Rob. X
Absolutely beautiful.
Great portrait!
Kids! Gota Love em! Beautiful Image.
Nice work love the "smile"
The person that figures that one out and fixes it so it doesn't happen, will be a multi-millionaire!
Very expressive image-well done. Perhaps kids do exactly what they are supposed to do - trying to exert their independence. Sooner or later the umbilical cord will have to be cut and they will have to exist on their own, without you. So perhaps you can see it as an achievement that they feel confident enough in your love to try and step away...not easy for a kid. (and definitely hard for the mum!)
Very good light and texture. Superb portrait and face expression. 5++++
Fantastic work!
Beautifully cropped Lou :)
That brings heartbreak and exhilaration together in one beautiful render. You are a true artist a showing emotion.
Outstanding !
Very good portrait ! Execeptional lighting !
Superbe portrait. Excellente image.
Nice skin texture, but I'm just not making the leap from the title to the content...
Wonderful image. Captures the mood perfectly.
Great close up work. sorry if this means your kids are giving you troubles.. BIGGGG HUGSSS if so.
That's what mother's are for. Over and over and it never ends really but you still love them and they love you and that's what counts. I hope the portrait is smiling again soon. Looks very sad.
very touching image Lou. Remember they did this last year too and broke out of it. Just hang in there, keep the discipline going, they'll learn that there is a proper way to behave.
wondrful (emotional) portrait with excellent expression
Excellent and creative realization.....!!!
The makeup on the eyelid and maxcara are excellent....as for the kids..threaten thier xbox! (with a big hammer).
fantastic job ... a real eye catcher!!!
fantastic work, so deep, so eye catching, amazing expression following the dramatic look!!!
If they are raised as friends instead of children, they don't treasure the love they receive. Your image is awesome.
i agree with artpearl. beautiful image, very expressive
** SUPERB !!!! ***