Mon, Feb 10, 9:26 PM CST

Born of Water

Fractal Surrealism posted on Jul 23, 2009
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Ultrafractal 3.04, 5.02 Here's a variation of the one the guy picked to go along with / hang next to "Always and Forever". It's mostly a rework/tweak of an older design of mine with a background based on the one in AnF designed for continuity. Works out pretty good with thick gallery wrap stretchers because the backgrounds 'connect' when viewed from most any angle due to the way they continue as they wrap around the frames. Ah, the joy of fractals - so easy to add meaningful "bleed" to a piece simply by zooming out! If anyone would like to see all of the things in this vibe that i made over the course of the "work" (yikes! - hate that word! lol). Here's a link to my website - that I'm STILL trying to complete/decide things on. -- -- If you hover the little green buttons next to the 4 images on the page, samples from that gallery appear in the banner at the top. Some other neat tricks there, too. Anyhow, if you click the nav button on the left labelled, "Always", it will take you to a gallery I set up for the buyer to browse. Thanks for stopping by, y'all! Rick -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ***(Fine art giclee' prints of most of my work are available in limited edition on archival paper or canvas - e-mail: and get busy filling that empty spot on the wall! Unique, "one-of-a-kind" (edition size = 1) prints and embellished prints are also available*** :-) ***This image is solely the copyright of Richard B. Spix III and is in no way to be considered "public domain" in any form or usage without the artist's written permission with the exception of as, non-distributable personal desktop computer wallpaper of a single user or in journal collections on this site.*** (I hate this stuff, too, but what can we do?)

Comments (47)



11:33AM | Thu, 23 July 2009

This is amazingly beautiful! Love the soft earthy feel and lighting. Beautiful Rykk!



11:39AM | Thu, 23 July 2009

stunning !! F



11:54AM | Thu, 23 July 2009

absolutely gorgeous.. I LOVE IT!



12:02PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Lovely done, an elegant and sumptuous work ;O)



12:03PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Checked in on your website. I hope that guy paid you very well. Look at all those possibilities! Wow.



12:12PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Fantastic work' looks like you could actually reach in and pick the ball up......... jim



12:18PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Wonderful composition!!!



12:21PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

superbe travail bravo



12:38PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

WOW! Incredible art!



12:49PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Splendid and fantastic realization my friend.....!!!


1:26PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

wonderful image



1:31PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Sublime fract art work.... and wow the sphere is back :-)



2:30PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Really striking image. While I think the composition is wonderful, it is the overall texture that really catches my eye. I also appreciate that you go back and tweak your work until it is what you envisioned.



2:31PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Breathtaking! Excellent work! (:



3:28PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Wow - fantastic everything!



4:33PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

one of the best ractals i've seen so far:)



4:42PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Always a pleasure to see your work!



5:25PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Very elegant and beautiful piece of work. Gorgeous creation.



6:55PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

beautiful abstract...



7:12PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Utterly elegant!



8:31PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Masterful work Rick, and so evident!



9:14PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

Wow, this made me catch my breath it is so beautiful. Absolutely stunning work. Words just can't do it justice.



9:17PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

holy moly! this one is cooler than yesterdays post! me like! :) ph



9:50PM | Thu, 23 July 2009

What an impressive piece. Your gallery is fabulous. How did you do the banner work! That was impressive and really showcases your work so wonderfully.



12:10AM | Fri, 24 July 2009

Awwww Rykk, I am such a sucker for spheres and this is an amazing one! I can't wait to get my puter back from the shop so I can see it properly and with all the others! :)


8:30AM | Fri, 24 July 2009

I agree with bpclarke: "elegant" is the perfect word. Your pieces are always so inventive!



8:47AM | Fri, 24 July 2009

AmaZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzing detailed artwork!



2:02PM | Fri, 24 July 2009

This is pure beauty. My compliments.


5:35PM | Fri, 24 July 2009

A truly eye catching masterpeice. Great Compo.



10:00PM | Fri, 24 July 2009

magnificient...there's such a feel of art nouveau for me..

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