Wed, Feb 12, 5:30 AM CST

Up the hill

Fractal Abstract posted on Oct 18, 2009
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FE/PSP Hi my friends! Yep..... today is my birthday so I just came around to say hello to my great friends and celebrate it a bit with all of you and also give you a big thanks for all your good wishes. Thanks for your click. I appreciate your support and all the comments on this and all my previous works. Also a big thanks to everyone who added my work as a favourite. Have a nice day! Elizabeth "Dancing near the shore" thumb_1956989.jpg Manscostyle I've done a page at Facebook under my name Elizabeth Mansco, hope to see you around there also ;O)

Comments (49)



7:56PM | Sun, 18 October 2009

Oh!! Such a wonderful scene to celebrate your Birthday Dear Elizabeth! A beautiful and serene scene of fractal nature .. I think I feel a little soft breeze, and I can hear the little creek singing as it runs downhill, there is sunshine but I think it's getting toward evening, it has that kind of light. I hope your day has been marvelous dear friend, and that the year to come brings much happiness, good health, and success in all your endeavors.



9:37PM | Sun, 18 October 2009

Happy Birthday Elizabeth! I just love this one!



1:07AM | Mon, 19 October 2009

Beautiful art work!



7:24AM | Mon, 19 October 2009

I hope the day was wonderful Elizabeth! Your image is so lovely, a really happy one:-)



10:47AM | Mon, 19 October 2009

Precioso trabajo, parece que las musas vuelven con fuerza. Feliz cumpleaƱos!.



12:57PM | Mon, 19 October 2009

Although a day late, I offer my best wishes for your birthday! :) Exceptional fractal composition! :)



6:38PM | Mon, 19 October 2009

Happy Birthday!!! I wish you a day of wonderful all wrapped up in a hug. This is a beautiful creation and one that most assuredly celebrates your Birthday.



8:37PM | Mon, 19 October 2009

This is a favorite of favorites, Elizabeth. Wonderful celebratory image- full of joy and great beauty..and so excellent! Happy, happy!



10:00PM | Mon, 19 October 2009

A most Happy (belated) Birthday to you! I hope that it was filled with joy and that your wishes came true. I love the painterly feel and palette used. Well done!



9:16AM | Tue, 20 October 2009

Fantastic image!!!



7:42AM | Thu, 22 October 2009

yes a bit late as usual, thats me! but better late than never, thats another of your beauties and so very playful done, looks quite like a pplace to have a good time and to play around a little, uplifting it is! wonderful done, elizabeth :))



8:03PM | Thu, 22 October 2009

I'm glad you climbed to the top with this fractal it has a great sense of depth. I hope you had a really great birthday and I'm sorry I'm late with my wishes.



9:50PM | Sat, 24 October 2009

Happy Birthday! What a delightful image to celebrate with :)



9:07PM | Mon, 26 October 2009

Congratulations! This image has been chosen for the Fractal Window Weekly in the Fractal SubCommunity. You will find the announcement in the Fractal Forum.



6:17PM | Wed, 28 October 2009

Belated birthday wishes Elizabeth, it is great to be back and in your fabulous gallery again. This is simply amazing like a painted landscape, you are so clever at fractals. hugs Jane xx



7:27AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

A marvelous sort of landscape - wonderful image!



1:01PM | Thu, 24 December 2009

dreamy... excellent, Elizabeth! Merry Christmas and a most prosperous New Year. Hugs and my very best and warmest wishes to you and yours



11:27PM | Tue, 14 September 2010

Marvelous image!



6:41PM | Wed, 11 September 2019

Great art!

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