Thu, Dec 19, 2:44 AM CST

Trick Shot 52: Can't miss...Again!

Poser Science Fiction posted on Nov 01, 2009
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I've decided to just call it the trick shot series but I will try to keep somde element of the scorpio rising set in there (if possible). I've decided to use my latest character, Xica (pronounced Shee-Ka) for the latest version of the Trick shot series! You'll be seeing her soon on the marketplace guys. Peace!

Comments (19)



11:54PM | Sun, 01 November 2009

Wow - amazing characters!



12:42AM | Mon, 02 November 2009




2:01AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Great character as always.. You know I can't wait to get a hold of her. I want to know what her opponent is wearing and where ya got it from, also where did you get the boots she's wearing?



4:52AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Awesome pose



5:17AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

wonderful character posing and interaction, great action



6:23AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Excellent sci fi!



8:06AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Excellent render Shaft! A little shadowing would make it look even better though. How soon is SOON? Well,I guess I shouldn't rush you though. Likely that's why your second skins look so great - you don't rush it. I agree with dah3500 - where are those items from?



8:47AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

I like this image because of the fact you implied that she missed earlier. Marksmanship is easy against a static target, but extremely hard against a fluid moving one. Soo many calculations to make. Add to that the fact she is moving and the odds go up dramatically. That fact made this entire incredable and amazing series that much more interesting. It actually make me wonder about her story. Is there others like her? Who does she work for? Is she rouge herself? Has she ever founght another trickshooter? This is an amazing series of poses. It must be a pain to do them but a joy to see the end effects.



9:05AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

oh a new character? cool..she looks cool



10:19AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Oh man Sweet look love the armor design and pose Too Cool!



10:24AM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Amazing pose and render !



12:11PM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Fantastic composition! Most Xcellent modeling work! Great costumes!



4:13PM | Mon, 02 November 2009

Fantastic work!



5:26AM | Tue, 03 November 2009

very fine work! very good scene!



8:16AM | Tue, 03 November 2009

He's toast. Great image, beautiful character.



2:42PM | Thu, 05 November 2009




5:11AM | Fri, 06 November 2009

Ohh, that trooper should've known not to tangle with Xica! Great pic! I love the crisp lighting, and excellent character interaction!



1:01AM | Sat, 07 November 2009

Most excellent work!



6:49PM | Wed, 18 November 2009

Really good!!

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