Welcome to our site! A collaboration of shared vision and heart. We hope you will enjoy the time you spend visiting our works.Our love and support to you all, and especially to Fiona Hooper for our beautiful childhood portrait! Visit her @ http://www.artybiz.com/fiona_hooper
This site is a collaboration between myself and Alexander Graham. Alex is someone who answered my call from a place, though far away, so close to my heart, and we work together towards the same goals with a shared vision of a better world, not just for a chosen few, but for everyone, everywhere. And we work for an understanding that there are other points of view and other opinions, and that open debate, along with all the other principles America was founded on, is what turns that diversity of perspective and prejudice into a strength instead of a weakness. That is what our work is devoted to: a better world for our children's children's children.Thank you for taking the time to visit.. Alexander and Lynn
Comments (32)
Thank You for your thoughts. This is beautiful. With all of our collective thoughts for everyone to get well and surpass all of the issues we are dealing with. Give Tanner a hug. Daisy and Prissy send kisses. :) Very nice of you to put the gallery links on here.