Sat, Dec 21, 1:01 PM CST

Moon Dust

Poser Fantasy posted on Dec 02, 2009
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I am been very ill for quite some time now.. and am finally feeling better to the point of being able to set up a render :) Nothing spectacular but I was glad to finally get something done! Thanks for looking!

Comments (60)



2:11PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Oh, Amy, I am so sorry to hear you have not been well. I hope your feeling 100% soon. Very cute render. Hugs, Liz



2:13PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Wonderful. So sorry you have been ill. Hugs



2:13PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

You have make a gorgeous image my dear friend, and I hope it will be better for you soon.......excellent work just love it.



2:14PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

I am so sorry to hear that you are felt so ill for a while....i am glad you are feeling better to be able to do a render and upload.. WHat a cute scene...



2:14PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

i'm very sorry you've been so ill while you were away. it's great to see you back again. i hope your health keeps improving, and you get back to doing what you love. nice colors, and cute pose!



2:16PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Hummmmm ..... Always also splendid my Beautiful " Cheer and mile mercies Take care ((5++)) Hummmmm..... Toujours aussi magnifique ma Belle "Bravo et mile mercis .Prend soin de toi ((5++))



2:19PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

OH!! :( Are you OK?? Oh my...hope you recover uberquick...tis not the season to be sickly. :( Hugs and warm blankies!! OH! And awesome render, sweetie!!!



2:23PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Glad you're feeling better, Amy!



2:27PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Being sick sucks. Glad you're feeling better.



2:32PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Oh Amy, so sorry you've been ill, but I am glad you are on the road to recovery. Being sick sucks, big time! Especially when you're the mom of the house. :( Darling render.



2:35PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

So sorry to hear you were not well and hope you get fully well soon... this is a wonderful render!



2:35PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Aww Amy , i am so sorry to hear that you not been well :( Please please make sure you get better faster!hugs



2:40PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Wonderful. So sorry you have been ill.



2:41PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Adorable Pic



2:46PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Magical! So sorry you've been ill. HUGs and lots of good wishes for a full and speedy recovery.



2:59PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Very sweet enchanting Image! Get well!



3:20PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

sorry to hear you've been sick!! i've been sick all week too :-( ..... but i am glad your feeling better!!! .....



3:26PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

The image is beautiful! I hope that you get completely better soon!



4:10PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Sorry to hear you were under the weather, but thanks for the cool looking picture. Hope your feeling better soon.



4:18PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Oh Amy! I did know you've been sick. Sorry to hear that but glad to hear you are feeling better now. I like this render a lot. EXCELLENT job! Nice pose and entire composition.



4:23PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Fan-tas-tical, the colours are so fitting, and the twinkle lights so magical!



4:31PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Fantastic piece of work Amy glad to hear your on the mend!!



4:34PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Looks like it'd make a great holiday card. Good to hear you're on the mend. I hope it's a trend.



4:48PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

awww sorry to hear you were ill. excellent render



4:53PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Very good work as always. I am sorry to hear that you were ill. I am glad you are feeling better.



4:59PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Yes this is GOOD too......Beautiful as always! Great work here! I am so sorry you have been prayers are with you!



5:04PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Sorry to hear you've been ill, Amy--hoping you'll be all better soon. Love this render--simply adorable!



5:08PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

I am so sorry to hear you have been so ill, I had no Idea :( This Image is beautiful and I am glad to hear you feel better now.



5:23PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Sorry to hear that you've been ill. On the other hand, I'm glad that you are feeling better. Very cute image! Take your time.



5:26PM | Wed, 02 December 2009

Very creative scene!!!! Hugs:)

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