Wed, Dec 18, 11:48 PM CST

Ragnor und Ruby

DAZ|Studio Medieval posted on Dec 03, 2009
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Hello, I report back once for a short time and throw here sometimes again a picture... After Lord Sarafan had found out that Ragnors son Mjollnir became by Ragnor the vampire, he closed the vampire in the dungeon of the Sarafanenfortress. Now he sits behind the Glyphenmagicgrids, to him it do not enable to break out. There he also met Ruby the Zombirat who has now a job as an engineer with the Sarafans... She was a creature that the bad vampire Isaak had made... But as well as Ragnor draws all strange creatures, they becomes friends... Here Ruby tells that she has invented an glyphenpropelling cleaning maschine... Thank you for looking and comments^^

Comments (18)



7:56AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

cool render!



9:21AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Grüne Gitterstäbe?huh,damit er in xmasstimmung kommt sehr sarkastisch wen man eingesperrt ist lol. i love the zomby rat ruby dont take your love to town muahahaha.5++fav.



9:50AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Excelelnt and creative work my friend.....!!!!



10:09AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Nice work!!



10:17AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Lol. I like this little diversion. Very nicely done, my dear!



10:25AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

I love this character my friend!!! Excellent pose and expression, congratulations!



10:34AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Es ist fantastisch, wie Du die Stimmund der Spiele in Deinen Bildern darstellst... Armer Ragnor, hilf ihm da raus, ja?



11:31AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

splendid image



11:48AM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Nice work



12:07PM | Thu, 03 December 2009

NIce work.



12:11PM | Thu, 03 December 2009

WAVE :-) Neat image, well done as always!:-)



1:13PM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Beide sehr schön auf ihre Weise! Hast immer wieder coole Ideen, ganz toll*****



3:27PM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Ooooooh, und der Kleine darf nicht zu ihm rein ??? Wunderschön gemacth !!



3:34PM | Thu, 03 December 2009

Very nice scene. Great character, rat and poses! Really well done.



5:40AM | Fri, 04 December 2009

Very well done!



1:35AM | Sat, 05 December 2009

Hihi, du bist aber so ziemlich brutal in der Vorweihnachtszeit, ein Männlein hinter Gittern, bin endlich fertig mit HP und Einträgen in die GB's, komme erst jetzt zum kommentieren, als ich die vielen Mails sah bekam ich Schweissausbrüche - grins! Bussi Ute



4:59AM | Sat, 05 December 2009

deine "zombirat" ist klasse! sehr gute arbeit!



7:33PM | Sun, 06 December 2009

Great expression on his face he is listening intently. Nice job.

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