Thu, Dec 19, 12:09 PM CST

Red Dog IV

Mixed Medium Science Fiction posted on Dec 29, 2009
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Two pilots race across a vast, parched moon. Terragen .943, Photoshop CS2: Xenofex 2 and Flaming Pear plugins used for starfield, planets and lightning. Lokas software's 3D shadow used on ships. The ships are my original models created in 3D Max 6 and skinned in UV Mapper (tiger stripe camo). They were then rendered in Vue 7 Pro with matched sun angle and radiosity sampled from the TG image to match the reflected colors of the scene. It's better in full size. Thanks for looking and comments.

Comments (23)



7:54PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

Nicely done! I love the ships, the engine exhausts look excellent, and the planet is fantastic! If you're using Photoshop you might be interested in these, it's a demo that totally changed the way I do starfields and effects: I don't quite do literally the same thing, but I do borrow some of his techniques. Oh, this isn't meant to say that you could be doing better, because this looks awesome, but it's meant to show some ideas because that's what always inspires me. Great work!



8:35PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

Wow, this is really dramatic and wonderful. Love the atmosphere. Superb!



9:06PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

An exciting piece of creativity Paul. The atmosphere and terrain makeup go together beautifully. The ships add the needed movement.



9:15PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

A very beautiful render of a sensational sci-fi scene.....



9:41PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

Wow...nicely done!The vivid colour palette really gives this a kick,and the ship models look very cool...really like the main background planet!



9:46PM | Tue, 29 December 2009

A marvelous image...the colors and planet really make the scene for me (especially the planet). Very well done!!!



3:26AM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Fantastic image, great work!!!!



10:32AM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Great sense of scale and landscape!


10:41AM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Wow! That is one hell of an alien landscape! I love the subtle detail of the distant lightning storm. The terrain is so detailed, and with that huge planet on the horizon, there is no mistaking this as a wonderful fantasy world. A georgeous render indeed--but what else would we expect from you other than something wonderful like this!



1:01PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Wonderful scenery..... have a good start in the new year and all the best for you



1:18PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

great concept and work !!! and all the best for the new year



2:30AM | Thu, 31 December 2009

By the time you read this, I'm sure to be captured in their stasis field... Excellent TG and post work.



12:43PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Very nice work.I like the ground texture and composition.



10:03PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Gorgeous scene...Happy New Year



10:17PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Great scene and nice looking ships!



4:16AM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Wonderful sci-fi composition!!!



11:57AM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Fabulous!!! Great style. Happy New Year to you!



4:29PM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Excellent sci fi and wonderful atmo! Happy New Year!



4:55PM | Thu, 07 January 2010

Fantastic sci-fi scene, very well done! hugs Jane xx



4:40AM | Sun, 10 January 2010

oustanding work!!!!!!!!



4:35PM | Sun, 17 January 2010

Absolutely stunning work, excellent done.



1:08PM | Fri, 19 March 2010

Great use of resources



7:39PM | Thu, 01 April 2010

Wow, love the palpable sense of depth and scale in this one. The lighting's also really impressive. Interesting bit of weather going on to the left as well. Grand scene!!

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