Thu, Dec 19, 2:43 AM CST

Battle Ray-Class Transports

Carrara/RDS Science Fiction posted on Dec 30, 2009
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The famous Battle Ray-Class Transport is a multipurpose armored transport used by the Sigmari, a large minotaur-like race from the former Empire of Many Suns. Once, the Sigmari were enslaved by the Mogg'Theran species and used as shock troops and ground combatants. At an average height of 10 feet, and bearing from a high gravity world, the Sigmari tore through the enemies of the Mogg'Theran while singing famous battle chants. Surprisingly, once they were freed from their masters, the Sigmari turned completely away from aggressive warfare and are in the midst of a spiritual and artistic revival. The so-called Battle Ray is a perfect expression of the artistic, thoughtful side of a race that's been only known as warriors until recently by the rest of the galaxy. Every part on every Battle Ray is hand-made. There are no assembly lines, no massive production factories. However, the Sigmari are able to produce almost as many as any ship made in a robot factory. While the name Battle Ray suggests they are warships, in fact they are used for a variety of purposes. They are primarly armored troop and cargo ships, but they also are armed and armored enough to work as patrol ships and light escort corvettes. The only mass-produced parts are the FTL drives, which are made by the Xintrin and secured to the bottom of the Battle Ray's wings. Since the drives were not made by Sigmari artisans, they must be blessed and annointed with special oils to spirituallyunite them with the rest of the star ship. The name Battle Ray or Ray-Class was given to the ships by humans and just stuck. That's because the Sigmari language is not one for brevity. In Sigmari, the name of the ship is "Elegant Interstellar Vehicle That Can Carry Many Beings And Cargo And Can Also Defend Sigmari Skies" which, needless to say, doesn't go over well in sales catalogs. This is a different approach for me. I actually kit-bashed this ship from a variety of models, most of which, particularly the sky manta from Daz3d, were not designed to be spaceship parts.

Comments (18)



5:16PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

That's a beautiful ship model, I love the elegant, organic even, lines. The whole group forms a wonderful composition, too, coupled with a great background and you have a spectacular piece. The history is just as fascinating, showing a great deal of careful thought going into the ship. I like that, as I'm always a "form follows function" guy when it comes to space ship design.



5:24PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

excellent scene!!!



5:50PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Stunning model! would love to have a private version of this to scoot around the galaxy!



5:59PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Looks fantastic!



6:07PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Fantastic sci-fi scene!!! Hugs:)



8:15PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Thanks for sharing, wish You and Yours a Happy New Year ! Hugs Karin:)



8:59PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Great job. Where are these ship ideas of yours coming from? Is it a setting you've created or is it from a book or game? I like all the ships you've made.



9:22PM | Wed, 30 December 2009

Cool design. Sometimes it is just fun to kabosh things together in new and wonderful ways.



9:37PM | Wed, 30 December 2009




6:59AM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Excellent model and scene!



12:03PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

wonderful render. All the best for 2010



12:08PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Niffty ship!



1:32PM | Thu, 31 December 2009

Simple design but very cool!!



3:04AM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Excellent!!! and sure Happy New Year!!!



5:46PM | Fri, 01 January 2010

excellent work and render!



5:52PM | Fri, 01 January 2010

Gorgeous work, happy new year...



5:47AM | Wed, 06 January 2010




4:26AM | Tue, 26 January 2010

Awesome scene!

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