Thu, Dec 19, 11:06 AM CST

The Golden Tree

2D Fantasy posted on Feb 20, 2010
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It's one in the morning .. and you're going to have to make up your own story. The big question is, will the Fae be a snack for the Dragon, or is the Dragon arriving to give the Fae a ride home? And what's with the Golden Tree? And why has the Fae climbed up it? And how come the tree doesn't have any leaves??? Just a little fun with Bunny and Bart's gnarl script which made the sky, Bunny's Abstracted Forest for the ground, BonyR01's free fae, Katandnamom's tree, and djscorpion ddu's dragon. All found in free stuff. Internet has been in and out. Spent hours trying to figure it out, and turns out there's problems in the area .. it's finally fixed so hopefully I can do a little catching up. Many thanks for the wonderful comments on the previous post. It's been fun learning some of the things PSP can do. Thanks for the many faves as well. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and mild weather!

Comments (45)



12:32AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Very beautiful image, Rita! It is my belief that the dragon and the fae are comrades and that she is going to guide the fae home form this strange and enchanted land.



12:41AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Should have kept my mouth shut about the local internet problems being fixed .. it's still wonky!! Oh well, quitting for the night now anyhow. Hopefully it'll be right tomorrow. Ya think?? LOL.



12:47AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Really beautiful image, Rita! Wonderful colour and lighting! Personally, I think the dragon is there to give the lovely fae a ride home and she's wondering why he's four hours late picking her up! She got up in the tree to keep an eye out for him! :D As to as the why fors and what not about the tree not having leaves and all that...just go with the explaination that covers everything....MAGIC! grin And that background is stunning too.



12:52AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Fantastic image, really love all that's gone into it, especially the background and that golden tree. As for story... I like Stacey's version grins I know your Internet woes, hopefully the connection will be better tomorrow.



1:30AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Really stunning :) In my imagination, Dragons are good. They protect the Fairyland, against the human. The golden tree could be a door to this mystic land.



2:54AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Excellent image!



3:00AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Fantastic scene,colors and lighting.Wonderful work.



3:31AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

A wonderful job putting it all so beautiful together.....fantastic image..!!



3:32AM | Sat, 20 February 2010




3:51AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

All quite astonising and quite beyond my capabilities! Now if I could just nip outside and get a photo of them....



4:06AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Exellente Creation.



4:21AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

A freshness in your text accompanying reassures me. Without knowing it, we all dream, artists, dragons and fairies ... who came first in our universe? No one can say, even if the order was important. Very beautiful composition of a dream world ... a good trip this weekend I hope. Take care of yourself and your family (your dogs), problems of the Internet are likely to worsen worldwide, with the dictatorial behavior of china ... that prevents the Chinese out of subnet with ideograms for IP addresses



5:07AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Amazingly beautiful and lovely fantasy, Rita!!!



5:46AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Very lovely Rita.. I especially love the sky. The whole image has a very 'storybook' feel to it.



6:15AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Love this one! (:



8:31AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

I love this one Rita and knowing you I am certain the dragon doesn't have any intention of harming this little cutie. Lovely image and so glad to see you post again :)



8:31AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Wow Rita, this is exceptional work, I love it. The detail and textures are fantanstic. It's just amazing what you can do at 1am in the morning! This one goes right to my favs for sure..I love that sky!



10:04AM | Sat, 20 February 2010




10:31AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

WOW !! Stunning work Rita !


virginiese Online Now!

11:32AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

very nice tree ! love the compo and the fantasy feeling



11:34AM | Sat, 20 February 2010

You can enjoy this scene for it's beauty, even without a story!



12:06PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Great scene and lighting, Rita! Fantastic creation/Well done :)



1:09PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

The golden tree protects the fey, or as my good friend from Scotland calls them, the Sidhe. The dragon appears concerned about approaching closer, as he should be. Somewhere, in the works of Yeats, a golden tree is mentioned, but not positive. Your work is moving dynamically into realms of dream. Or, as HP Lovecraft would say, "beyond the walls of sleep". Superb work of the highest quality. Looking forward to more!



2:19PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

magnifique image!!



5:06PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

she was looking for the golden fleece but Heracles got it before she did so her dragon came to get her and told her Heracles was too strong for him to fight for Heracles will kill him. And the fae did not want to see or hear of this so off they go leaveing to golden tree behind for they knew it be bad luck to try to get it.



5:18PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

...Make up a story? the Olypics is on - lol... I'm missing them... but, before I go, I have to tell you I just seen rgus's upolad - tastes like chicken or something like that... I have to say the girl has bated herself in the tree so the dragon would come - now she is going to catch the dragon and see if it truly tastes like chicken - LOL Tree looks good - first thing that caught the eye... then I saw the dragon.... and the girl blended into the tree marvelously.



6:23PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

I love this and now I'm going to have to think up the story as I can never leave anything not finished.LOL. The sky looks superb in this lovely scene and the little fae in the tree looks as if she was created just for your tree. I wonder if I dig a little hole in your tree I will find a pot of gold.!! I'd be careful not to kill it, just a little like a woodpecker, though saying that, as we don't have woodpeckers here I don't know how big their holes are, I diverse, it would only be a little hole.



7:00PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

PSP was always one of my favorite tools. I can't use it on my Mac, but sometimes I return to my laptop just to play with it. It's such a versatile program. You've done incredible work here with the fractal sky and landscape, the design, the story, and the story questions you ask. Well, in my version, the golden tree was forged from the dragon's fire. The little fairy was enjoying the violets, stumbled, and sprained her wing. She couldn't reach her pet dragon's back, so, he created a stairway for her in the shape of a tree. It's much easier to jump onto this dragon's back from a branch than it is to crawl up his slimy skin. He's flying over to rescue her before night falls and the disbelievers arrive. If you look closely, you will see them in between those swirling clouds and nebulae overhead.



7:28PM | Sat, 20 February 2010




7:31PM | Sat, 20 February 2010

Outstanding and so creative!!! Actually I think the fae is a princess waiting to be rescued. Sadly the prince was turned into a dragon and it is only by the light of the night sky that both can meet and share the love for one another.

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