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Poser Creatures posted on Mar 09, 2010
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FAUCET Folks meet FAUCET … foreman and spigot supervisor of plumbing planning for the blockbuster inter-planetary production of AVATAR. We’ve not pictured him to promote all he did for our MADHOUSE MIDWAY’S pipes and pumps before he flew away to fantasize in La-La Land. We’ve borrowed his marvelous modeling maneuverability to demonstrate just how “eaZZZZy” it is to TURN ON audience attention to your heroes and heroines when you drop a seductive setting behind them. P.S. - We thought you might like to know. This prolific plumber is also a panorama pixel painter of some repute. And … we’ve used a few of FAUCET’S favorite works in our recent collection of doarte’s MYSTIC MOODS. Thank you for viewing and all our comments. They are greatly appreciated. doarte credits: doarte smay Be sure to check out newly released MYSTIC MOODS in the Market Place here at Renderosity.

Comments (96)



9:22PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

what a cool outfit and character, very well done render of this dude..



9:29PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Cute character and outfit..nice work!!



9:39PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Cool work.



9:40PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

He's simply adorable in his steampunk faucet gear..and your backgrounds are exquisite, I occasionally pull them out simply to look at them and enjoy them!



9:42PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Once again luck is with me as I'm able to close out my night with a trip to the fabulous MADHOUSE! Faucet is such a cool new addition and it does indeed sound like he knows how to turn any audience on.



9:44PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Excellent my friend ,Brings a Smile!



9:50PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

I can see he is really into his work :). Very nicely done !!



10:00PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Cool work.



10:14PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Fantastic!!! Very nice!!



10:18PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

Oh Doctor doarte! FAUCET is one mighty cool little character. My goodness is he making me smile. His personality shines through, he is cute. LOL! His little outfit and pose are a knockout. And yes the setting of your background is awesome to show him off. Positively great morphing. He should certainly be a fella you share with us in the marketplace. I would love to have him to play with, cute little thing!!! Bravo dear one, you have most certainly done it again. +5+5+5+5+5



10:21PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

WOW....A super character, gorgeous expression and pose, another very creative work, congratulations! 10+



10:32PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

very cool what a great character



10:42PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

he's such an interesting character! he's cute and well dressed and I love the wings.



11:40PM | Tue, 09 March 2010

this is the man wayne the plumber par excellence.. wich character is it?? looks like rdnas line .i will sutffffffff over anyway have some good things to buy for the ringmaster circus and the like. nice work btw.



1:54AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Amazing character!!! Fantastic work!!!



2:16AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Oh my word this one is outstanding what an imagination one of the best i have seen in ages hugs lou x



2:29AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Lol dear Wayne, this one is by the way so funny looking, your ideas are really priceless, thank's for the morning giggle!!! Hug's Ute



2:55AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Great and wonderful work.



4:01AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Very sweet image :).



4:12AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Funny work and pose :-)



4:32AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Great fun!



5:15AM | Wed, 10 March 2010




5:37AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Fantastic character my friend, super creative!!!! Bravo!!!! Hugs:)



6:26AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

very humorous and outstanding work



6:33AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

What a cutie!!!!



7:07AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Very clever and filled of savours like always my friend. You have the cless in all. Cheer still and mile mercies ((5++)) Très ingénieux et rempli de saveurs comme toujours mon ami . Tu as la clesse en tout . Bravo encore et mile mercis ((5++))



7:15AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

I love it. The faucet, albeit the title, well... I love the rest. ")



7:27AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

hehehe, thanks for the morning giggles Wayne. This is simply tooooooooo cute for words.



7:48AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Z is for... Unique and inspiring!!!



8:00AM | Wed, 10 March 2010

Very cool!

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