Sat, Feb 8, 11:57 PM CST

Gabe Update

Photography Animals posted on Mar 19, 2010
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It has been a while. Here is a picture of Gabe, sorry not very recent. We had to have him shaved down he was so matted. If you look at the previous image you will see he is not standing up completely. He was so matted he could not. His hair is coming in nicely. He is going to be such a handsome boy in full coat. Right now he looks like Falcor the Luck Dragon. If I was keeping him that is what his name would be. LOL We are currently looking for his forever home. This will probably take quite a while as Gaby baby has quite a wishlist. LOL He just loves kids. Hubby won't let me adopt one to make the dog happy so we could keep him. haha To ease the pain of losing Gabe to his perfect forever home we are getting a puppy. LOL I will be scarce around here for a while since potty training will take priority. I will try to catch up when I can. Hopefully it will not take too long. I'll try to post new pictures of Gabe and the new puppy soon. Hugs, Luna

Comments (29)


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10:04PM | Fri, 19 March 2010




10:38PM | Fri, 19 March 2010

he so cute luna, i see he's got his stuffed animals..



10:43PM | Fri, 19 March 2010

Wonderful little fellow.



11:04PM | Fri, 19 March 2010

Luna where do I begin, this is such a wonderful pic of little Gabe. :) First that duck is just like the one my dog Peppie still plays with and is his favorite. Also when you mentioned about being so matted he couldn't hardly walk that took me back to a poodle we rescued years ago we named Angel. When we found her she was also so matted she could barely walk and you couldn't even tell what kind of dog she was. I'll say a prayer that you can find this cute little guy the perfect home where he can be truly happy.



11:42PM | Fri, 19 March 2010

He's so sweet looking Luna..I'm keeping my eyes open to adopt too...I want an older dog who needs a home with just one person tho...taking my time. I admire what you do!



4:12AM | Sat, 20 March 2010

smile so cute; Unfortunately, not much time but I leave a little Comment like for your beautiful work



6:57AM | Sat, 20 March 2010

It is so cute a capture! A most adorable moment for your pet.



7:16AM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Very nice looking little pup.



9:15AM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Hi Luna! A masterpiece in progress to be sure! Glad to see him again and sorry you won't get to be his forever home. :-( I'm sure you'll do your best to see he gets the TLC "forever home" he deserves. Your doing a great job by him and he is still adorable! You will all remain in my prayers! Where are you or your Pet Shelter where Gabe is registered? I'd love to help by checking with all my dog friends to see who might want to adopt Gabe. is also a great place to get the message out. It is a pet social website full of the same great folks like here on Renderosity, just dedicated to Pets only. It's free and very heart warming! Pump and me are on there under the same name... (Technistrations). - Give Gabe a big hug for me! Warm Wishes, Tim (Jensen Beach, FL)



2:27PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Very cute dog! Great shot.



3:07PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Magnifique photo!!!



4:09PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Lovely and cute photoshot my dear friend, nice capture.



5:39PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

A moving text. Excellent capture!



7:40PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

So sweet! The love and caring you give him shows here. Oh, the adventure of a new puppy. Wheeeeeee! Just don't make Gabe jealous, now.



11:07PM | Sat, 20 March 2010

Very, very, cute, lovely dog and pose, excellent photo! Sorry my friend about the delay with the comments, I was traveling.



2:03AM | Sun, 21 March 2010

Adorable !



11:47AM | Sun, 21 March 2010

oH my! sooo cute luna love it...really beautiful shot of gabe..:)



3:28PM | Sun, 21 March 2010

I hope he soon finds a lovely forever home!!!!



6:44AM | Wed, 24 March 2010

Very cute.



5:35PM | Thu, 25 March 2010

cutie :)



3:42AM | Sun, 28 March 2010

What a cute pup, hope he finds a home :)



10:13PM | Sun, 28 March 2010

always good to see gabe.



9:11PM | Tue, 30 March 2010

He looks cosy.



10:32PM | Tue, 30 March 2010

Parece tão aconchegado, maravilhoso, captura excelente minha amiga, aplausos (5)



2:56PM | Fri, 02 April 2010

Hugs to you Luna for taking such good care of Him!


6:45AM | Mon, 05 April 2010

Very lovely photo and words.



4:58AM | Sat, 10 April 2010




8:53PM | Thu, 01 July 2010

He is loooking good nice job..



11:15PM | Fri, 08 October 2010

wonderful photo! he's already looking better

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F Numberf/2.8
Shutter Speed10/80
ISO Speed100
Focal Length6

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