Thu, Dec 19, 6:15 AM CST


Poser Fantasy posted on Apr 17, 2010
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I've had these guys for a while and it was time to do something with them. My inspiration is on a downturn right now and I'm not entirely happy with this image as it is. I just felt the need to use the Trogs in something. Troglodytes and Goblins by Predatron. Thanks for looking.

Comments (44)



4:26PM | Sun, 18 April 2010

really cool scene!!



7:11PM | Sun, 18 April 2010

Quite the motley crew. Would like to see the involved in some action.



7:24PM | Sun, 18 April 2010

An excellent scene. It's a great story-telling image that maybe reflects your own feeling right now? They all seem to be looking for the right direction to take. We all know that feeling from time to time.



9:48PM | Sun, 18 April 2010

That lil' feller on the end looks like he's having a hard time....great render, (as usual).



9:55PM | Sun, 18 April 2010

I don't know, I think it looks pretty good. It has a classic Dragon Magazine or Dungeon feel to it. It's pretty damn good work.



2:01PM | Tue, 20 April 2010

Excellent work!



9:04PM | Tue, 20 April 2010

LOL! I said it before, love that dude with that heavy mace!!! Lift ya bastard!!!



5:48AM | Wed, 21 April 2010

very few render artists communicate daylight as well as you my friend ...this is a treat to view in Full :)



3:57PM | Thu, 22 April 2010

The palette and poses are really cool as is the comp... Excellent work...



2:03PM | Fri, 23 April 2010

Not sure what you're not happy with, it's great! I especially love the goblins, the one on the right snickering at the one on the left trying to pick up that giant mace... great composition on the scene too.



5:32PM | Sat, 24 April 2010

OMG, you scared me! I thought my out-laws were rounded up and on their way over ;p lol really good composition, the scene really has a great atmosphere



9:13PM | Sat, 24 April 2010

Spectacular image! Well composed!



12:34PM | Fri, 06 August 2010

wicked rendition.


4:59AM | Mon, 25 October 2010

wunderbare arbeit - great

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