Sat, Dec 21, 1:51 PM CST

history is in the eye of who writes it

Photography World Events/Social Commentary posted on Jul 03, 2010
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I thought of those links or ideas i put into my comments at times. I was thinking too why I had to read about 15 history of diff authors about the same thing just to get a idea of the history I looking up. Take Sally Skull for instand. I read 15 at lest of history by 15 diff authors . Each one had something diff to her story. Some left out stuff and others added stuff to her story. I understand if they just give a thumbnail history of her for they have a lot of people to cover but the ones that give a full story of her life, that is diff. One even change the history of her life. How he did that. all acounts of her life do say she killed five of her husbans. All tells how they die. But one author took all five ways she killed her husbans and put it to how she killed one of her husbans and expain there diff stories on how this one husban dies. Most do not tell the number of people she killed. Only one author say 59 people. I understand they can not put a number on the people she killed for no one knows for sure. At lest this one author explain why and how she killed all these people and why no one put her in jail for them. He say the men was horse thiefs. At lest that what she told the police of that time. No one challenge her word. There is one account of a shooting she did in a fort that most authors do put into they accounts for it was written in a international papers. It the account happen at a fort as a writer of a newpaperman was pasting thought he heard a gun goes off behind him and he turned to see a man with a gun drawn falling to the ground dead and a woman putting up her smokeing gun into her hip hoster. It was seft defend. Lot of people saw it with they own eyes. All will write she can use both hands to shot with and use a rifle and a bullwhip too. she was killed some say by her last husban but one author say her mane came up someplace else in the west and it looks like her hand writing? guess she like Jesse James and Billy the kid; keep on liveing. Wild Bill Cody also most authors do not wite a account of a indian comeing in the fort with a very large human leg bone and telling Cody he bought the bone in to show he was not lieing ot Cody. He told of man liveing long ago that could run fast and caught buffao picking them up and tearing off a leg as he ran with it and eat the leg then and keep on running. Told how they all die too. That it started to rain and the foold coved the mountians and the giants men all died then. I just read three diff authors reporting this which Cody did write it down in his writeings and no one say Cody lied about it. I wrote this down to show that history is written by people and I guess if you wish the truth the best you going to get is read a lot of diff authors. History is the same on all subjects you looking up. So read a lot of diff authors to find out what happen and some history we will never know for all writeings was done by the ones who won the wars. or no writen history at all. Like who was the 200 giants they find bury on top of each other in Toronto in a field over grown with trees now? here a link to that site things like this site is interesting to the mind but do not show much history. Yes they was there but no way to show how they lived or what they did. So history will over look them. Only thing is that they the same height as the Indian mound builders but no real links to these indians and the snake mound builders of Noth Amerca? Thanks for reading this and looking at my ashes of a fire I burned. It now history on all I burned and just ashes now as history is.

Comments (48)



10:34AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Sometimes it is hard to tell what is history, what is legends, whis is myth and what are just tall tails told. ;) Sometimes people change things just to have a different story. Excellent capture!


10:36AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Awesome pic, excellent shot!



10:41AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

the same view by different people give different accounts to different people. The evidence shows very often, the principles of living witnesses. A person who likes to dress well be more attentive to the clothes of the author of the event, a person interested in cars, give better details on the vehicle used by the robbers; A witness who lingers on age of the people he meets, will be more accurate than other witnesses ... and the interaction of personal tastes of each, made sure that each witness has a different orientation. Your title is perfect. writing or is âtrle a story as seen in his own head! nice shot!



10:50AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Great photo and outstanding presentation of what is truth! Very good work on both, Jocko!



10:50AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Great story and capture, Jock!!!



10:53AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Fabulous! Love the read and great picture to use to go with the history!



10:59AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Excellent Capture and excellent story, thanks for sharing and Happy 4t of july to my friend



11:02AM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Cool image and write up, well done...



12:14PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Very unique image and commentary. The part about the giant men the Indian told Cody about and then how the rain started and the earth was covered and the giants died sounds VERY much like the Biblical account of the flood. And the snake mound builders of North America...I used to live in Ohio, USA not very far from some of these beautiful snake mounds...but they are such a mystery as no one seems to know much about those skilled people who build them.



12:37PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

It looks like the skull of some prehistoric animal..



12:39PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Great story and excellent capture! :)



12:48PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

i always try to crosscheck and not take all for granted.



12:56PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

"Obviously its a monster from out there" (Mulder) History is always about ALL the sources. I've read a lot about Roman history.



1:05PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

il y a des faits ,et la perceptions des faits,bien sur,et il y a plusieurs facon de voir la meme chose,en histoire,ou dans le vie quotidienne!!



1:50PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Fantastic capture and interesting writing Jocko! Excellent work!



2:00PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

You make a real good point of history and how it can change depending on who is telling it. Sometimes we just have to make the best educated guess and go with what is in our hearts.



2:06PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

I think I can see some teeth grrrrrrr-- history whether is be Indians,the wars,and the bible is unknown truth we only read and then make a point of trying to find the truth but is it ever out there nawwwwww I do no think so love the words here jocho interesting indeed:



2:08PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

a very cool image!



2:29PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Very thoughtful words my friend! History is written by the winners....and so is always biased. And even if someone else writes it, it is still an account through a filter which is more or less biased and opinionated. A great photo to go with your thoughts!



2:50PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

every thing they have find about the Bible do line up with the history of the Bible there a book out that a man set out to disprove the Bible and he wrote a book name "More that a Carpenter" by McDowell Josh, McDowell Sean. get if you you wish to see history of the Bible of couse there a lot more writen on this subject by diff authors



3:23PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Interesting story.



3:39PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

You are so right..we are finding out how much of our history has been twisted now!!



3:54PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

An old band mate once told's your story, you can make it up however you want..." Really cool image of what once was



4:30PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

how true! history is writtten mostly by those who win, but not always, luckily! superb shot



4:34PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

great shot!!



5:49PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Superb work!! The capture and the writing!



6:16PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Excellent shot Jock, and very interesting intro, it all makes you wonder doesn't it? hugs Jane xx



6:35PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Fantastic pic! Interesting info! (:



7:09PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

Cool capture of something that looks like parts of a skeleton of some sort. I don't know how Sally Skull got away with all those killings. She could have been taken down with just one shot from a .357 Magnum. And I thought there were snipers on rooftops in those days.



10:00PM | Sat, 03 July 2010

I can see a weird skull and teeth...but that's just me and my imagination ! Neat and thought provoking capture ! Well done & ~Cheers~

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