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What Now?

Poser (none) posted on Jul 02, 2002
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Supermodel Vickie tests her new suction-cup shoes. She thinks these will actually double the floor space in her apartment, after all, Gene Kelly did it! The shoes are going to be the first item for SMV's next collection.

Comments (11)


10:48AM | Tue, 02 July 2002

Jim, you crack me up!



10:59AM | Tue, 02 July 2002

I love these, makes me wish I had vicky! hilarious pose and nice render! Will the shoes fit Pin up Steph?

Jim Burton

11:57AM | Tue, 02 July 2002

Yeah, I aught make 'em fit her too, they are already pretty close to fitting.


3:32PM | Tue, 02 July 2002

LOL this is great. First thing that came to mind when I seen this was "Bond, Jane Bond" then figured if she put the other foot up on the ceiling there..would be a great time for some crunches.... :P


4:55PM | Tue, 02 July 2002

I love those shoes! I wouldn't mind having a pair in real life lol :)



6:34PM | Tue, 02 July 2002

LOL< that is so funny...excellent.


3:22AM | Wed, 03 July 2002

Funny picture, indeed, but theres something wrong with her tight and the slip is cutting into her tight...I would smooth the edges...~Nad


1:51PM | Sun, 07 July 2002

lol Spider-who? hehe, nice pinup idea, btw just love "your" hair ;)



10:02AM | Sat, 07 September 2002

lol..very cool pic



12:51PM | Sat, 30 August 2003

Boy, those shoes really "suck." -- (and it's a good thing they do - wouldn't want that beauty gettin' hurt) '=]



8:20PM | Mon, 10 November 2003

Nicely done. There's a bit of post work needed at the top of the right thigh though to get rid of that nasty cease.

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