Sat, Feb 8, 12:11 AM CST

Test of LuxRender and Poser Scene

Other Apps Comics/Cartoons posted on Aug 24, 2010
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Notes on the image. I am curious as to why Wondy got her head lopped off, but that may be just user error. Image generated by just downloading the latest LuxExporter from here, LuxRender from the LuxRender folks and following the instructions in the text file provided in the LuxExporter zip.

Comments (5)



11:35AM | Tue, 24 August 2010

Good job! Where can one find up the LuxExporter??



12:00PM | Tue, 24 August 2010

Look here in this thread: The link to the alpha exporter is here: Lots of pages (up to 44 as I type this) and head-exploding math and code (half joking here!) I do suggest reading it all and checking out what the fuss is all about. The actual Lux Render program is here:



3:43PM | Tue, 24 August 2010

Good stuff for a test run.. Im just starting out on the Luxpose exporter as well. Heres an example of some exceptional Daz_exportedBlender/Luxblend Lux rendered. Im really inspired by it.


7:19PM | Tue, 24 August 2010

I like your costume a lot more than DC's. Are you going to do anything more with the wristbands?

Net Knight

6:13AM | Tue, 05 July 2011

I think that I can, possibly, tell ya what the big sharp shadow is at (3) 'cause I once had a similar problem in lightwave. The transmap for the hair is working for the hair, visually, but not for shadows. Really annoying, I know, but check into it. It looks like that's what it is. O(ther than that ... I like it. Might have to look into that luxrender exporting myself. Although, I have 2010 and it seems to do a pretty good job if ya set it up right.

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