Fri, Feb 14, 12:23 AM CST

On A Certain Night

Poser (none) posted on Oct 01, 2000
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Bryce, Poser, PS. Tutorial Credits:, Clouds as well as head stone and engraving tutorial by Bryce Tech. Model Credits: Caligula , Varian' Dreamview,Steve's Art Gallery

Comments (19)



12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

This is a wonderful picture! Very well done. I totally agree with what everyone is saying.....


12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

Wow, I really like this one. The cat's body language is just perfect! Thank you for helping me get in the mood for Halloween.


12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

Great !


12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

This is a beautiful image, Laurie. Congratulations



12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

Wow, Laurie!!! WOW.... Obviously, I can't say anything else. :O)


12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000



12:00AM | Sun, 01 October 2000

Excellent work. Colors, lighting, composition...


12:00AM | Mon, 02 October 2000

Very nice feel to it. A bit too straight corners on the pillars. More dents.



12:00AM | Mon, 02 October 2000

Great !!!!!! (10)


12:00AM | Mon, 02 October 2000

Great work, this should be a book cover. Anyone know Anne Rice's phone number.


12:00AM | Tue, 17 October 2000

How do you improve on perfection? A perfect 10 (Not that you asked for it) This is great stuff!


7:15AM | Sun, 29 October 2000

It's been said before, but it bears repeating. This is absolutely incredible layout and execution.



9:48AM | Mon, 13 November 2000

Very haunting!! Excellent work.



6:24PM | Sun, 18 March 2001

my favorite image on Renderosity to date, im glad someone pointed you out to me. It's perfect, and it's going to be my wallpaper for a good long while =)



11:06AM | Sat, 30 June 2001

excelente ambientacion. Estilo peliculas clase B


2:45PM | Tue, 30 October 2001

scary...LOL Very nice render!I like lighting and fog...Great work!


8:22AM | Tue, 13 November 2001

In thanks for your kind comment, I'll try to be constructive. This piece is terrific. But there are a couple tweaks that I think would make it better still; The gateposts are canted contrary to the overall perspective. Their vanishing points are to either side of the horzon rather than leading the eye to the center, and your figure. The John Smith grave stone seems too pronounced to me (or not eniugh if it's intended as the focal point). I truly don't know what to suggest for your spirit- perhaps a gossamer glow, as though it's caught in moonlight? I think it should probably "pop" a little more. Great work, so please don't take offense. :) Keep it up!



3:31AM | Sun, 19 May 2002

wow, this is so spooky the faint figure of the ghost creeping along and all that, it looks great the atmosphere is great i wish i could do that misty stuff, i never really understood how


10:23AM | Fri, 28 February 2003

this is spooky...but i like it a lot.....i try to make a poem for it Ilona

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