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Poser Fantasy posted on Nov 01, 2010
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GOLDORO Straight from Milan’s La Scala to doarte’s MADHOUSE MIDWAY Opera House … the divine diva GOLDORO! She’ll be honoring New York audiences by appearing in the premier performance of Igor Ivanoitch’s BED BUGS IN BEDLAM … the tragic tale of how a mental institution’s inmates scratched themselves to death. GOLDORO’S not only noted for her attraction to offbeat operas but for her addiction to “aurum” (all things gold) … as exampled by her cameo appearance in the blockbuster film Goldfinger to her gorgeous wardrobe collection of gold gowns … as shown her in a THE STUDIO Volume I setting. So dear music lovers, if you’re wooed by the weird world of Lady Ga Ga and want another night of wicked wildness, do come to doarte’s Operatorium for Madam GOLDORO’s amazing appearance as …THE GOLD BUG OF BEDLAM! doarte Thank you for viewing and comments. Appreciate at it so much. Credits doarte RMP BadKittehCo Daz

Comments (111)



9:31PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Wow Beautiful Image!! Awesome outfit and Render!!



9:34PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

OH MY GOODNESS! Goldora is the absolute best ever. My word is this ever gorgeous. The background, the pose, the colors, the steampunk all rolled up to make a fabulous creation once again. Magnificent Master of the Madhouse!!!



9:34PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

gorgeous, the subtle contrast between her golden tones and the cyan-ish grey surrounds works beautifully very nicely done



9:36PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

You are one of a kind Wayne, love your humor and your fantastic art!


eekdog Online Now!

9:40PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

fabulous! what a incredible outfit. 100% awesome image..



9:40PM | Mon, 01 November 2010




9:51PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Looking forward to the opera. Great image!



9:53PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

That does indeed look like it came from an opera stage, and there's probably one short sweaty little fellow pumping madly on a fog machine!



9:55PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

A glorious golden girl!



9:56PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Fantastical art and wry sense of humour! Excellent



9:56PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Superb character, pose, expression, clothing, textures, background, lighting and shadows.



10:01PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Absolutely glorious! And, poor NYC with it's bedbugs.



10:06PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Glittering and wonderful and alien--truly a dazzling spectacle!



10:18PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Yes... but can she fly? Lol. Fab imagination, Wayne! ")



10:45PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

oh, those derned bed bugs--we actually had sniffer dogs come in to our office at BofA one night last week to see if any of those little critters were around. thank goodness we got an all clean clearance...thank god--that's all i need right now...outstanding creation, the atmo and, of course, i love the gold and she even has a name close to my handle :)



10:51PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Wow, what a sensationally lovely creation. Well done !!!!!



10:53PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

A nobly aureate masterpiece!



11:10PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Looks like Cecilia Bartoli in the opening of Lucia di Lammermoor! Really original and beautiful - superbly operachic. Don't know what that I like best, the pose or the apparel..



11:12PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

LMAO. Bed Bugs in Gotham eh, yeah been hearing about all that nonsense there. Super work as always Doc. **Peace



11:43PM | Mon, 01 November 2010

Heading out to get my tickets right now! Looks to be an interesting show! What a fantastic costume, and a masterful render! Most excellent!



12:13AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

sounds like something I wouldn't want to miss! she looks great... very rich in all that gold. nice work on the pose and lighting.



12:16AM | Tue, 02 November 2010




12:16AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

Splendid render!!!



12:19AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

Great work on this scene Wayne, she looks all the part an opera singer, so where does one buy tickets to the show... lol, very lovely posting..



1:58AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

Great character exquisitely done.



2:15AM | Tue, 02 November 2010




2:54AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

from the neck down, i loe her look...The head looks like it does go well, kinda like putting a prom queen in a gorgous dress and then putting a football helmet on her - lol... other than that, this rocks.



3:43AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

Simply stupendous! Wow - the gold and dull aqua backdrop is a perfect mesh! Brilliant!



3:48AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

amazing character! a real Diva!



3:54AM | Tue, 02 November 2010

Just wait till Gold Member gets a view of this shining and shagging at first sight, YEAH BABY ! Your studio background makes a nice contrast to all that bling, but I can't help feeling that chin strap makes Goldie look like she has a beard...LOL ! Well done & ~Cheers~

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