The hunters (for Scooby37) by chucknepo
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The chase was long and hard. But the prey is near and the hunters are closing in for the kill.
A scene with both of Scooby37's excellent armor sets, Fighting Fae and Dream Quest. Sorry, Scooby, I couldn't resist using my own weapons. :) But your armor sets are awesome. So which one is better? You decide but I love them both. :)
I actually finished this before Christmas. The holidays were coming up and I thought I would have free time to do something that I promised myself for some time. I decided to learn how to do postwork hair. And that's when the sh*t hit the fan. LOL It's January now and the hair is still a horrible mess so I give up. Hair will have to wait until I have more time again. LOL So this is the scene with no postwork except my name.
The two beauties are Celebrity Series no. 5 and 6 by AdamThwaites. They look much better in full view. The weapons are the Sorrow sword from Lavinia's Tale and the Malice axe from Ferocious!. Hair is Sugar hair from Valea and Primrose hair from Swam and Goldtassel.
Many thanks to generous artists for freebies, Mairy for the ground, Fuseling for the skydome and Magneto1969 for the skeleton.
Comments (18)
Great duo and render.
Fantastic work!! I love their "glittery" bodies =)
oooh nice
looking cool. do not fight with these ladies
Great scene there!...the look cameout great!...looks outstanding,...excellent work!...
eekdog Online Now!
both are beautiful and unique in their own way Chuck, amasing outfits..
great image and I am so glad I am not the only one around who has choked on making hair in postwork :)
Wowie, two beautiful ladies wearing those super-amazing outfit. Such a brilliant work, Chuck! Post working with hair---my, that takes hours. That's why I haven't posted in a while LOL.
WOW....Gorgeous creation here, an adorable creation, very well done!
great looking characters and scene
Beautiful image and posing!!
Grr...I missed a ton of your stuff...(Ok, 10 images, maybe a centiton of stuff) Nice cutlery they have! What on earth were you thinking, postworking hair! Ack man, that's what fekkin' helmets are for! Say it wi' me now...."H-E-L-M-E-T!" There yah go! My work here is done!
an excellent presentation and i like the way you put it when the sh..hits the fan lol. i myself dont dick around with postwork on madbat. these armors deserve to be checked out .
A delightful pair of warrior maidens, Can you pass me their addresses :) Nice to see both sets of armor in the one image, a double delight. Anyway who is looking at the weapons :) Nice work Chuck! Make them bald then you don't have to worry about hair!
Wonderful gals and armor!!!!
Wonderful scene and great and well posed characters! Excellent lighting on these two beauties! ;o)