North Face...for Virginie (Virginiese) by KarmaSong
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I took this photo on the very first day of 2011, facing the spectacular and notorious north face of the Eiger summit (3,970 m /13,025 ft) that has caused the death of sixty-four climbers since the first successful ascent in 1858. After celebrating New Year's Eve down in the valley along with some friends from England at the end of a lengthy snowy and exhausting month of December, I found all was needed to start the new year beautifully, treading on pristine snow under a cloudless blue sky. Please zoom !
This photo is dedicated to Virginie (Virginiese), hoping she'll like it and find her own inspiration of it to make the right decisions about the right people in the right circumstances ;-)...! Also, I wish to say thank you very much for your comments on my previous posts.
Comments (59)
Stunning view and capture my friend. Welcome back. God Bless.
Que lugar maravilhoso meu caro amigo, a iluminação está impressionante lindo parabéns! Fico muito feliz por vê-lo postar novamente sua presença fez falta por aqui! Seja muito, muito bem vindo!
Gorgeous capture!!
Very seldom do you see such dangerous mountains in so beautiful sunlight and against a so perfect sky! A once in a lifetime photo!
A remarkable view of this famous/infamous landmark.
An excellent presentation!!
Ça fait plaisir que tu nous reviennes et en plus avec une scène d'hiver fantastique..belle photo! :)
~Really beautiful capture!~
This is beautiful, gorgeous color light and clarity, outstanding!
Jean-Luc, this is a truly wonderful dedication to a very kind lady. This view truly is breathtaking and your thoughts on it took me back to one of my favorite old Clint Eastwood movies (The Eiger Sanction), which featured it.
Splendid image!!!
Wonderful photography and dedication, Jean-Luc!!!
Un image vraiment splendide: un rêve!
Oh ! Karma ! C'est si beau ! Ca fait tellement longtemps que je n'avais plus vu de montagne que j'en ai même oublié la beauté. Je rattraperai ce retard mais pas pendant ces vacacances-ci. Merci mille fois pour la dédicace qui me fait terriblement plaisir, surtout que l'on n'a pas souvent l'honneur des nouvelles images de toi ces temps-ci :-) Je vais essayer de prendre les bonnes décisions à l'avenir : ne t'inquiète pas pour moi ! Bises et encore merci !
Excellent capture and great dedication to a wonderful person. brings to mind the movei with Clint Eastwood - Eiger Sanction
marvelous view and awesome capture jean Luc, Great to see u posting again...HUGS*..:)
Fabulous scenic splendour! Great to see you back Jean-Luc
Inutile de dire que je suis ravi de te voir revenir et de belle manière qui plus est. Je ne me lasse jamais de voir des sommets et je regarde tous les jours (le soir surtout au coucher du soleil), depuis mon bureau ou ma terrasse, les sommets de Belledonne et même le majestueux Mont-Blanc. Je fais souvent des photos (à une époque, tous les jours !)mais je dois dire que la tienne, absolument superbe, me réjouis l'oeil : je n'ai pas l'habitude de voir ce sommet (je crois même que je ne l'ai jamais vu mais comme je suis allé souvent en Suisse...). Nous sommes tous dans l'attente d'autres belles images.
Makes my heart sing to see a post from you, dear Jean-Luc. It is stunning. wonderful dedication to Virginie. Bisous galore. Diane. xx
Fantastic colors and light. What an impressive view. Excellent shot!!
Très jolie photo, propre au recueillement.
A beautiful capture. Could be in National Geo Magazine.Welcome back, J-L.
superbe !
wonderful mountains!!!
wonderful view of this equally beautiful and potentially dangerous place
beautiful scene and wonderful dedication
What a wonderful view! Fantastic capture and colours! :)
An absolute pristine image of this Swiss icon.
superlative landscape
that a big mountain. I like to be there; Not to climb it but to look at it as you shoot the photo