Thu, Dec 19, 11:53 AM CST

Al'Koben'Ra Entry #4

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Mar 22, 2011
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"You KNEW??? All this time you knew?! How did he know you knew?!" She demanded of her brother. "Do you know each other?" She looked from one man to the other. "Of course we know each other! And because of that, I told him, to tell you!" Caesar defended himself. "Man - you didn't tell me nothing, when you tell me to tell her?" "Hey, I told you to tell her, many times - just this year, a few months ago, when we had that test mission on the LG3-flyer, and it crashed on us and we ended up at that real-droid bar-..." Emeric started grinning, "Ah, the real-droid bar, yes - it's coming back to me now, the one where I had to remind you, that you were a married man." Emeric returned refusing to have all the blame laid at his door. "So what I'm hearing is, that everyone knew, but me! Well hear this - I have no husband! And if you don't get our people and get us out of here, I won't have a brother either!" She threatened. Both men sighed, looking to one another, with Emeric speaking up, "You gonna tell her or I?" "Tell me what? What now?" Ceasar scratched his head, glanced at his brother-n-law and figured it was only right that he be the one to let her know. "Doamaglodytes - they've overrun your lands, your village." "What?! Then why aren't we there fighting, defending the land - that you say is yours, why aren't you helping to defend it?" She returned, more incredulous as the moments passed. "It's complicated sis." Emeric spoke up. "Explain it to me, I'm not so thick!" "Emperor Roth - has some how forged an allegience with the Doamaglodytes, the Tricons and the dragon league. Our top pilots have been out spying. To save you, the valuable numbers of your people, I had to move now! I had to bring you all out of there or see you killed. Before we can get the numbers we need to fight, our forge must be sound - those who would follow us, must first be convinced, that we are one! The ceremony is a must - therefore, my wife - it is either stand next to me, that we may win, or - well - the alternative is clear." Ceasar finished. "I don't even know you - that I can trust you, that what you claim is true!" Emeric spoke up once more, "Would I be standing next to him, if he were not so? We're awaiting Capt. Dorne now, to give an update on what's happening out there - while we wait, I suggest you get ready." Her brother informed her. Qe'eiress shoulders slumped, what little choice did she have? To be continued... |:| Credits |:| M4 complete x 2 V4 complete x 2 Hebot @ RDNA Predatron Droid Commander @ Daz3d Calais Hair by AprilYSH Alicia Hair by Traveler @ RDNA Venom Hair by KookNFar @ Daz3d Troy for M4 by Art Collaborations @ Daz3d Jess for V4 by ArtCollaborations @ Daz3d Jerome for M4 by Virtual_World Cyberpunk for M4 and Post Apocalytic Sky Deck by Stomemason @ Daz3d Asesina for V4 @ Daz3d Shadowcaster @ Daz3d Notorious for M4 @ RDNA Steam Nemesis by Winnston1984 GIS Orion @ Daz3d Features/morphs of all by MKeyes Third Entry for Al'Koben'Ra Nation thumb_2173519.jpg

Production Credits

Comments (22)



10:37AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

~Great panels and a great story! Really fine DAZ illustrations!!~



10:53AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Oh!!This is getting exciting now:-)!!Love the images and I love Xara's hair:-)



10:54AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

great work my dear :D



11:28AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Fantastic images and great story I can't wait to see what's next



11:40AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

very cool images!!!



11:56AM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Sis, I agree with sylki. It is getting really really interesting now. We are hooked so keep it coming. Illustrations are great and showing you have 'arrived' in creating fine Sci-fi images. Applause my dear!! +5 FAV!



12:05PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

These renders are pure awesome! I love her hands on her she is just fit to be tired of all this lol! Your point of view, facial expressions, and body language always pack the biggest punch for getting across the most emotion for each scene, and the story line is getting more interesting by the page! Way to go! Looking forward to much, much more! ;)



12:10PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Beautiful renders - superb characters, poses,expressions, props and lighting Xara Dorne looks intimidating ;) Great story too!!!



2:08PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

think I like yor sci fi stuff more then the western great work .......keep it up



3:34PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Great storyline and boards. cool characters !!



3:50PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

I could not take this character serious - she looks too much like Kristy Alley - a "jokester of a serious lady" Maybe if you made her more rugged, dirtied up her clothes a bit, a tat on her arm saying: BAD ASS ???... damn.... I like that tat idea - lol


callad Online Now!

5:11PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Awesome renders M'Lady!



7:22PM | Tue, 22 March 2011

Mercy, once more you have poured so much of yourself into your art and came up with something special. What a captivating story that does a stellar job of bringing the characters to life. And the scenes you created here are breathtaking, with some of the best special effects I've seen in some time.



4:45AM | Wed, 23 March 2011

comic-frau_065.gif Fantastic & well done looking scene, have a nice day, hugs Ute



6:44AM | Wed, 23 March 2011

Splendid and fantastic work....!!!



7:35AM | Wed, 23 March 2011

this Captn Dorne looks like she is no fool.she will be a vauable asset in the ongoing series. well done mercedes.



7:16PM | Thu, 24 March 2011

Fantastic - the total package, Image and brilliant story! Exciting! +5 from doarte's MADHOUSE



12:14AM | Fri, 25 March 2011




10:03AM | Fri, 25 March 2011




7:52AM | Mon, 28 March 2011

Fine images and well done characters! Your posing and interaction among them are great! Looking forward to follow your great work! ;o)



2:00PM | Tue, 29 March 2011

Fantastic work...



2:59PM | Sun, 03 June 2012

so much is cool with this image, i'll just stick to....WOW!

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