Thu, Dec 19, 12:25 PM CST

Under the bordwalk (Just for a smile)

Photography Urban/Cityscape posted on Apr 02, 2011
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Getting below a railway track. I think this is a place unique and abbrit as prying eyes. Thanks to all of your time to me. A special thank you for the favorites Good day to all MICKEYRONY Prise en dessous d'une track de chemin de fer . Je pense que c'est un endroit unique en son genre et à l'abbri t des regards indiscrets comme . Mercis à tous de votre temps pour moi . Un merci spécial pour les favoris Bonne journée à tous MICKEYRONY

Comments (37)



2:33PM | Sun, 03 April 2011

Impressive POV , fantastic capture and photo !



4:09PM | Sun, 03 April 2011

Love that lush and green landscape, wonderful capture, Mickey!



7:57PM | Sun, 03 April 2011

Ah-Ha!! Now we know where you hide, LOL! Terrific image, Michel!



12:27AM | Mon, 04 April 2011

Fantastic photo and POV Mickey, fabulous work! ****



5:39AM | Mon, 04 April 2011

Amazing shot Michel =)!!



9:33PM | Mon, 04 April 2011

This is a cool POV Mickey and a wonderful shot. Dana



12:22AM | Thu, 07 April 2011

Belle m'ennuie du vert estival

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