Still resting but feeling some better, miss ya all lots, Big hugs to ya all.. Cant post like I want too.. Love you All Alot..
These two things have nothing to do with each other, yet I have been a concoction of both for as long as I can remember. How can this be, A volatile cocktail of extreme sadness and extreme exhilaration, Bottled up for one girl to drink?
I was diagnosed with a Bi-Polar Type II disorder in my mid-20s. Formerly known as Manic Depression, This condition causes a person to experience drastic mood swings due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. Type II is the milder version of Type I, My ‘happy’ episodes have landed me straight into the psychiatric ward.cause you always have that crash, I have my normal days, when my mood is stable, mixed up with occasional periods of intense, irrational sadness known as depression. And then, there are periods when I feel like I’m the Queen of the Universe – or at the very least, Socrates. I also suffer from Ptsd,Post-traumatic stress disorder .
Many know about depression, but few are aware of the dark, erratic, deceitfully glittering world of hypomanic euphoria. It always starts out pleasantly – the wind of inspiration lifts you up and carries you on its iridescent wings,Flight of Ideas. This is how most people feel when they are inspired. I feel like the concept of failure had left the building. Hypomania makes you lose inhibitions and makes you feel like you can succeed at absolutely anything. I’ve been known to take up way too many projects during this period, pursuing them eagerly and with zeal, only to lose interest once the high is over.
During my manic stages, I tend to dress flamboyantly and gravitate towards bright colors – to liven up the surroundings, which suddenly seem lifeless and dull. I feel like I’ve got a magic touch – practically anything I sneeze on becomes a work of art! Sleep is an annoyance rather than a necessity, 4 am writing sessions ‘Because I felt inspired’ become commonality. I have stayed up days on end before sometimes have cried becaused I wanted sleep.
And what do you know? People love the new you! They think you’re the best thing since sliced salami with all your eccentricities and overflowing enthusiasm, even you yourself can’t help but marvel at your newly found charm, sense of humor and generosity. You go on shopping sprees, become overtly social, your calendar bursting with all the exciting events you’re planning to attend. You’re too preoccupied to notice the inevitable crash for which you’re headed.
If I had to describe the tail end of hypomania, I would say it’s like speeding through a dark tunnel with bright lights rushing towards you – and you trying to catch every single one. You keep grasping but there are just too many, too fast. Your thoughts start racing, so you speak faster to keep up. You feel madly inspired, but can’t seem to focus – and as a result, for the first time in weeks, you produce nothing. The physical exhaustion takes toll, you begin to feel tired from weeks of incurred sleep debt and realize you’ve got a huge callous on your right wrist from mousing for 10 hours in a row. You want to keep going but everything you touch falls apart. You get frustrated, blame others, turn into an asshole. Paranoia sets in, You feel like everyone is trying to tear you down and don’t understand your genius. You get careless, egotistical, aggressive. Nobody likes you any more, Not even you. Then you Crash and fall into then dark endless drepression, no hope, endless sleep, restless sleep at times.Waiting for that cycle to begin again.... It always does, I am on meds that help alot but so far that have no cure for this chemical Imbalance just meds and its finding the right which can take lots and lots of trying.
Up Down
Up, down and all around.
Mind soaring, thoughts crazy.
Must do something.
Can’t concentrate,Too much to do
Clean the house, organize.
Put everything in its place.
Can’t sleep, Don’t eat.
Have to shop, Buy and spend
Everything’s good, Great, couldn’t be better
Mind numb, Thoughts distressing
Nothing needs to be done.
Can’t concentrate, It’s just not worth it.
Sit in the chair, Garbage on the floor.
Everything in disorder.
Must sleep, must eat
Can’t go, So alone
Nothing’s good, or great, Couldn’t be worse.
Bipolar, very difficult to live with
An angel and a devil live inside you,
Sometimes it's the angel who is evil,
And sometimes it's the devil who enlightens you
Yes up and down thats me.
Too high to be low
Too low the be high
Too high to sit
Too high to cry
Laughing and screaming
At the same time.
Too dark of a day
Blocks out the suns rays
Crazy thoughts racing
On a suicidal rage
I feel like a Jekyll and Hyde
Up and down thats me.
Twisted thoughts
Confusion of the mind
Numbing of the soul
Reaching out for help
With no one in sight.
Up and Down and all around
Spinning in circles, on hope it wont stay
False mask for the day
Hoping and praying
For all this madness to go away.
Love, HeavensBlonde
Comments (16)
Always love your work my dear friend such an experience you got to live through theres got to be a good day coming my friend, lotsa luv to you an take care!!!
This is a sad description of your being - but true. Those who do not know can not comprehend it. But I know people who issued it as well. Then one must just be a true friend - and help. Just once overlooked the whims and friendly smile. A kind word - a nice touch. For that we are here - here at Rendo - your friends. And you can count on us - always! We catch you and take you in our arms - and give you a smile. Your brother and friend - The lonely wolf
A wonderful poem - this is a gift I was never blessed with. And what a fantastic description of our common affliction. They have told me I am Bipolar I - but am not sure. I too have ended up in the psychiatric ward several times since my twenties... and there were a additional few times that maybe I should have... but that in itself is so... so depressing. I go through the manic and then crash... I am about their right now - I have known it was coming - I am doing the best I can to manage it. I also often have what is called mixed state where I have symptoms of both at the same time - these are the worst!!!. We will stick together. Thank you for posting this. Rick
Beautiful image, and a wonderful poem....excellent done.
impressive art, my prayers are with you.
beau travail!
excellent explanation of what it is about although i can imagine that each and every "case "is different.. i am glad i am only a maniac lol and not manic depressive-just joking have a laugh hon.
Nice to hear your doing okay...Post what you can when you can....(smiles)...
I'm just the opposite - I'm clinically depressive - so I know at least half of what you experience. Great poem and description
Nice artwork and will always be in my prayers!!
Super cool. 5+. Wow. I love it.
Sometimes I wonder.... "Why is that Frisbee getting bigger?" ...and then it hits me. ...I hope the joke cracked you up... I have fallen way behind on comments, don't have time to read/write, but I wanted to see your art, so please enjoy the jokes til I can find that prescious time - thank you
You are gifted with wonderful words of discription. Excellent!
You are not alone. Patty Duke also suffers. Yet she has overcome and is an advocate for Bi-Polar. (Jane Pauley and Kerri Fischer suffer too.) Strive always to remember, even in the darkest lows of a depressive state, this is NOT your fault. You just have different challanges built into your life. The creative outlet you have hopefully will aid you in maintaining an even keel throughout your life and you will be able to keep the ups from going too high, and the downs from draging you too low. You have my sincere prayers that your body salts levels will be adjusted correctly and you will have the opportunity to see the episodes as a thing of the past. Keep on keeping on!
Wonderful poem and sentiments. So many of these feelings and actions are the same for me as I'm sure for alot of people (...and they say to be a psychiatrist you had to be mucked up), maybe it's the same for a good artist. I also share the Highs and Lows like during a great event or horrific tragedy but nothing really going on. I believe for my own work will keep getting better because after a time It's aweful and I know I can create greater.....anyway glad to see your back hang in there stay healthy & creative!
Very good illustration. I like this collar XD.