Wed, Jan 8, 9:47 PM CST

I Cherish My Friends Here :)

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on May 26, 2011
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Hi. :)) How are you? I am about the same as I was the last time I posted. I want to say that I am sorry for closing my heart to you the ones that have been there for me, the ones that sent me smiles when I was down, and the ones that have supported me here. I hope and pray you will accept my apology. You all didn't say anything to hurt me I promise. You just don't know how much I cherish your friendships. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. :))) I just can't bring my heart to forget the things that were said to me and about me. I hope with your help that I will be able to stay strong, and move forward. I just want to smile again like I had been doing. :)) Okay enough about me. This is a image I shot on a road named Steam Boat Road in Edisto, but there was no Steam Boat. LOL!!! I did take pics of what I think looks like a plantation house that I will have to share with you and see what you think. :)) I need to go and get to bed. Last day of school tomorrow for my son so maybe I will get to stay up a bit later since we will be on Summer Break. :)) I want to wish you dreams of sweetness, and I wish you love in your heart. I wish your tomorrow to be filled with kindness from others, thankfulness, sunshine, and smiles. :)))) Thank you to each that looked, commented, rated, and sent me a smile on my last image. Your kind words will be held in my heart forever and a day. :))) Thank you for having such beautiful souls. :))) Nite, Sweet Dreams :))) Carry A Smile In Your Heart :))))

Comments (9)



12:16AM | Thu, 26 May 2011

Hey my dear this is great.. Endeavor to persevere, :)



12:38AM | Thu, 26 May 2011

I love this sky! :)



4:48AM | Thu, 26 May 2011

I dont know what has happened i can only offer (((((((hugs))))))) and hope that the happy girl we all know comes back soon ..... a beautiful moody picture superbly captured stay strong hugs lou x


8:24AM | Thu, 26 May 2011

This is a beautiful shot!



5:34PM | Thu, 26 May 2011

I can not imagine anyone having anything bad to say about you, you are always so friendly and enthusiastic in your post and your comments. So whoever it was, they must have a real problem. Take care and please continue to share your beautiful photos and messages. hugss



12:17AM | Sat, 28 May 2011

this view looks like it goes forever, nice capture my friend :)



3:23PM | Sat, 28 May 2011

Fantastic shot. I love the mood you've captured.



1:42PM | Sun, 29 May 2011

Beautiful view and capture! :)



8:15AM | Tue, 31 May 2011

Beautiful shot. Well done

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/8.0
Shutter Speed301204/100000000
ISO Speed64
Focal Length5

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