Sun, Feb 9, 6:50 PM CST

Pleas and consequence.

DAZ|Studio Science Fiction posted on Jun 03, 2011
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Jason was beyond angry. Kitita listened to him rage at the girl for several minutes before she calmly suggested he hear the child's reasoning before loading her into a cannon. “I have no need to hear anything!” he said, glaring at his first-mate. Blue eyes, icy with outrage met calm garnet. Kitita let a small knowing smile play upon her lips and tilted her head towards the 'prisoner'. Hands thrown in the air, Jason turned to the 'stowaway' and her accomplice, sarcasm dripping. “Fine”, he said. “Let's hear what possible excuse anyone could have for stowing away, running away from the guild and play me false. This should be fascinating.” Katya and Suzya met Jason's glare steadily. Blond and redhead faced their charges; knowing they had done the right thing. Suzya stood behind her friend; the one to whom she owed her new life. She was part of the crew of the Starfire and as such should be standing with her captain, but with her choice to help Katya she had committed an act against her captain and the man she considered to be her father. Dropping her eyes she rested her hand on Katya's shoulder. Katya felt Suzie's reassuring touch and composed herself. Jason's glare has not wavered and Kitita had settled in to listen. She knew the green tuner would understand her need. Family was everything to a Karellian. The Captain was the real judge; he was the one who would help her or send her back to the guild and their hidden treachery. Unwanted tears began to well in her eyes. Weakness, her father would sneer; female foolishness. Buck up girl! If you are right and he doesn't see it; make him! Looking away, to hide the threatening tears, Katya opened her hands in a gesture of supplication. “Captain, my grandfather is alive, I know it. I can find him. The guild sees only their gain. My gift is priceless to them and they would only use me for their profit. The greathouses have bought their loyalty and even now I would be bound to one or the other had Suzya not spirited me away. I need your help, my kipitan.”

Comments (3)



5:08PM | Fri, 03 June 2011




5:43PM | Fri, 03 June 2011

~Excellent scene!~



6:12PM | Fri, 03 June 2011

great scene and characters, well done.

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