Mon, Feb 10, 9:27 PM CST

La Piaggetta - Grazie a tutti , Artisti e Staff

Photography Atmosphere/Mood posted on Jul 03, 2011
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Al mattino, il messaggio di PJ ( MR Lubner ) ocn la notizia che la Galleria del mese aveva il mio nome e alcuni amici lo scrivevano già nei commenti alla mia foto . Potrete capire il mio grande piacere nell'apprendere la notizia , un grande onore e un grande piacere. Per questo dedico stasera la mia foto a tutti , amici e appartenenti allo staff del sito, con la promessa di fare quanto in mio potere per fare sempre meglio. In the morning, a message PJ (Lubner MR) with the news that the gallery of the month had my name and some friends were already writing in the comments to my photos. You can understand my great pleasure to learn the news, a great honor and great pleasure. For tonight I dedicate this to all my photo, friends and staff members of the site, with the promise to do everything in my power to do even better. Oggi sono stato impegnato in mille cose e stasera mi trovo a dover ancora leggere molti commenti . Al mattino sono andato a Viareggio a procurarmi unamacchina fotografica , i campi sono pieni di girasole e non posso stare fermo e ignorare la cosa . sono tornato a casa con la mia vecchia Canon 400D (la mia prima reflex) che mio fratello mi ha lasciato per alcuni giorni , Il pomeriggio ho invece dedicato tempo alla famiglia . Today I have been involved in many things and tonight I still find myself having to read lots of comments. In the morning I went to Viareggio to procure unamacchina photo, the fields are full of sunflowers and I can not stand still and ignore it. I came home with my old Canon 400D (my first camera) that my brother left me for a few days, but the afternoon I spent time with the family. Per l'occasione uso una vecchia foto del 2006 scattata con Sony 828 in una personale interpretazione . La zona è La Piaggetta, a metà  strada tra Bozzano e Massaciuccoli. For the occasion, use an old picture of 2006, taken with the Sony 828 in a personal interpretation. The area is La Piaggetta, halfway between Bozzano and Massaciuccoli Good Sunday evening and good week ! Thanks for the comments and the favourites of previous image

Comments (62)



2:46PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

What a beautiful landscape dear Mario, magnificent capture, a paradise, loved it very much! 10*



2:57PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

wow looks like Art !! fantastic capture !! and congrats again here for you !!



3:04PM | Sun, 03 July 2011




3:05PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

A very beautiful Autumn scene Mario and I too congratulate you again.



3:07PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Beautiful desaturation- thanks for sharing! :-)



3:09PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Beautiful capture and colors..lovely place!!



3:13PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Sei un fotografo eccezionale, Mario! Sai catturare angoli interessanti della tua Toscana e riesci a renderli ancora più affascinanti! Non parliamo poi delle tue splendidi macro o dei tuoi favolosi personaggi! In ognuno di loro c'è sempre una storia interessante! Anche questa Piaggetta è favolosa... i colori sono fantastici! Ancora complimenti per la nomina della Galleria del mese! :)



3:19PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

WHat a warm and lovely capture. Looks quite fantastic, Mario.



3:19PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Fantastic news, Mario and congratulations!!!!!! Wonderful image



4:20PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

molto macchiaiolo!! wonderful image!! Congratulazioni!!



4:27PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

This looks very nice Mario.



4:39PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

THis is gorgeous!



4:52PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Great News and This is Really amazing capture mario....congrats...Have a Great sunday..:)



5:06PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Mesmerising... My hat off!



5:15PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

This is a lovely landscape and a picture perfect capture! :) Congrats on getting the Gallery of the Month! :D



5:21PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

About your hard drive that you have to change to save yours things inside . If your hard drive don't make clic clic to open You have to find a hard drive same name and same size and you toot it off the base on the back and change it whith the new one . after check if it opening and it is openning you can do your transfert on an another hard drive or save on dvd I hope that will help you . My brother repair a lot of PC or Lap top And it work But hard to find sometimes



5:21PM | Sun, 03 July 2011




5:56PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

A magia.sensibilidade e arte que transmites meu amigo é algo que impressiona. Esta imagem é algo espantosamente linda, fabulosa, aplausos (5) PS: merecidamente estas lá.



6:00PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

So very nice, I love the colors so much!



6:10PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Very beautiful landscape Mario! congratulation on being pick gallery of the month! You definetly deserve it. Well done!!!!



6:27PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Very nice autumnal interpretation with the post work! Congratulations on being gallery of the Month!! Martin



7:43PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Oh, lovely, like an Old Master's painting! Well done!



8:29PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

A wonderful capture with superb colouring. Congrats on pick of the month it is very well deserved.



8:55PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

A well deserved honor... this is excellent as well.



9:43PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

wow I happy for you getting this . and a very nice image here too it super



10:35PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Mario, questa è una bella foto e dedizione il mio amico. Congratulazioni per il vostro premio, si meritano tutti gli elogi.



10:41PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

congrats on the artist of the month and this is exceptional beauty



10:54PM | Sun, 03 July 2011

Well done Mario...both this very artful photo presentation and your selection for Gallery of the month:)



12:06AM | Mon, 04 July 2011

Lovely photo and beautiful finish.



12:09AM | Mon, 04 July 2011

Beautiful photo! Congratulations!

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