I enjoy creating artwork in Poser, Photoshop CC, Vue, and DAZ Studio. I also have a passion for photography, and have been actively shooting for many years. I've been using Poser since Version 8, and am also learning my way around DAZ Studio. I've been using Adobe Photoshop since version 4. I also use Vue 10. I frequently use my photos as backgrounds, and composite my 3D figures into them.
I have been creating my web comic / graphic novel "The Girls From T.N.A." since fall of 2009, and have been a member of Renderosity since August 2009. I've made a lot of wonderful friends here, and have been inspired every time I visit!
I will soon have a more complete biography, as I am updating everything. In the meantime, have a look around my gallery!
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Comments (35)
Outstanding image and stupendous dedication to Johnny! Most excellent
eekdog Online Now!
wow! too cooooool Rod, your work is enjoyable and brings smiles, like the two lizards are listening to his story telling. also like the book and cover you designed. top notch dedi for johnny. 10*s
Stunning!! Wow, Rod.....this is masterful. You really have created your own genre with these blends of 2-d and 3-d. I have never seen Flinks Meadow flowers look better, normally their low resolution just doesn't hold up but I had to take a second look to realize they were not part of the background. Gecko looks great and even though I follow you both I hadn't made the connections between your deviant and the noble Te Und! Really cool book too - not sure how you did that but it is good.
A fantastic image and birthday dedi for Johnny C. Dana
FABULOUS! Man, I love that book - but I've never read it - lol... seriously though, that book is the best book I've seen - maybe ever here, it looks like a real book and not some half made 3D prop.... I'm thinking back now and remember a few books that could be just as good, but I really like this book.... It's Johnny's bday today? ...I'm working back to nearly full time at two different sites, so I haven't been paying attention to the birthday list - my bad, sorry Johnny... Happy birthday, go spank yourself - lol
Rod, this is an absolutely wonderful image my friend and I love the little story teller as well as this beautifully detailed scene
A wonderful image with these great characters. It all blends in beautifully. I have just finished your marvellous tutorial and I got lots of tips from it so thank you so much for making it and posting it. I really appreciate all the work. It was very easy to follow too. A VERY BIG THANK YOU.
LOL.....What a wonderful funny and happy scene my friend, adorable B-day gift, the bending is just marvelous, very well done!
wonderful work
This is SUPER cool....class idea, class made!!! To fall in love!!
Great image.
That is SUCH a good image! Wow. You've brought so many elements together, and done it flawlessly. Outstanding work, my dear! You totally kick a$$!
CLEAR, CRISP, SHARP...creative, well lit and all that stuff:) Looks just great at the zoom Rod! Never made it to those gardens...sometime during a future visit perhaps.
Amazing image, Rod! Not just out of this world, but the solar system too! Everything is so richly detailed - adore the poses, and the textures just tops! Wonderful birthday present!
Very clear.. The image actually makes you feel as though you are there..Won't even ask how many layers...You are among the best with postwork!!
What can one say that hasn't been said already Rod.. Just fantastic work on this scene Rod this rocks big time and the book is amazing, nice job... This birthday dedication is one of the best ever, sweet job mate!!
What a lovely tranquil setting and great gift for JC - I am sure he is very please with it HotRod - cool workings my friend - a beau!
Art! Great idea and render!
excellent work on this lovely scene and a nice Dedi too !!
This is just so wonderful and funny scene and render, Rod! Thank you! Excellent composition and I love the two small listening lizards! I can tell you, Te Und is very proud to know that the lizard hood get to know of him. :o)
Wow Rods this is awesome have to read it later superb as always !!
Wonderful dedication!! you are magician of mixing!
Very good composition! Stunning colors!
beautifully done!
This is so sweet and lovely dear Rod, I knew that he loves it!
most delightful and sweet composition for johnny.
LOL!!! That's pretty cute Rod. The posing is amazing. I like the way the small lizards are paying rapt attention to the story, lol. Pretty cool book you created there too. Excellent craftsmanship!
LOL!! I love this picture Rod! The gecko certainly gets around and has many talents!!! Didn't know he was a story teller, but those frilled lizards look very intent on his every word! Nice job!!!
Wow, Big Bro, every post you make is a learning experience to those who look at it (seeing the original cover by Johnny R.), just wonderfully done, you are the master of image blending! Those 3D flowers and leaves on the foreground look natural, that they match the real flowers on the background. Just amazing to see your creation!
Wow! Really amazing work. It looks so natural and realistic. In fact I wanted to ask him about car insurance, but that must be his cousin. Excellent work my friend.