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Photography Animals posted on Jul 22, 2011
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I have no idea how this worked, maybe somebody knows and can tell me. Lizzi and I stopped by the Issaquah zoo today on our way back from Seattle. Now around these tigers are two fences. The first fence is bars that are about 2 inches apart and then there is a inner fence that is like a traditional fence with squares that are about 2 inches square. It is about a foot or so inside of the outside fence. I had to put my camera up against the bars with the lens in between the bars and try and zoom all the way in between the squares and get the picture without the fence ruining the picture. Well no matter how I tried I just couldn’t zoom in enough to keep the inside fence out of the picture. Well when I looked at my pictures at home it is as if the inside fence almost melted into the picture. You can hardly even see the fence and even when you do see it. It is as if the fence just blended into the tiger. I have no idea how it worked but I think it came out amazing. The only thing I did to this picture is resize it, Please zoom in and you will see what I mean. These are such big amazing animals. I hope you like it. Randy

Comments (25)



10:32PM | Fri, 22 July 2011

Very wonderful capture the only thing I can think of is the DOF exclueded the bars/fence and focused on the beautiful cats



10:35PM | Fri, 22 July 2011

Perfect capture. :))))) I love to go and look at the tigers when at the zoo. :))) My favorite are the giraffes. :))))) I see what you mean about the fence but I am very happy the image turned out like you wanted. :)))) I love his/her eyes. They look as to read your soul. :)))) Excellent gorgeous capture. :)))) Thank you for sharing this beauty. :))) Carry A Smile In Your Heart :))))



10:38PM | Fri, 22 July 2011

I think Mike got it right. Beautiful white tiger. Great capture.



10:41PM | Fri, 22 July 2011

very good focus shot, he or she look at me


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10:45PM | Fri, 22 July 2011

superb capture randy! i have a few myself of a white and orange bengal tigers, brother and sister. might have to share someday. think i did on a post awhile back, hmmm.. looks alot like our cat but they were a loner to the zoo, will check it out later, stiking same look.



12:19AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

Great shot, it's amasing how you got so close to them in the wild. HaHa!



1:18AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

No problem with this result Randy, lovely picture.



1:31AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

I noticed you and the tiger have the same look so a smile said cool warm hugs, Linda



1:34AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

I think it's wonderful! What eyes!!! Congratulations my friend!


1:58AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

I may seem right off the wall with this comment Randy but I was immediately taken by the expression on the cat's face. I thought of you the moment I first looked at it, and even now it seems you and the cat have the same expression.



2:02AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

wow love this eyes !! great capture !!!



3:24AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

Wonderful capture, Randy. Hugs. Di. xx



5:55AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

U done a fine job on this one and what a beautiful cat this is perfect job on this my friend.



6:07AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

Superb shot.



6:15AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

It's a bit like putting a mesh or veil over your eyes - people can't see in but you can see out! Also, with a wide apperature the camera is looking past the bars and they dont appear prominent. Great capture of this magnificent big cat!



7:04AM | Sat, 23 July 2011

Oh wow incredible my favourite animal is the white tiger superbly captured thank you for sharing !!



1:43PM | Sat, 23 July 2011

It is amazing. WHat a regal cat!!!!



4:48PM | Sat, 23 July 2011

very beautiful capture of an eligant tigar. the reason for the double fence is to keep people out and from tossing things to the tigars.



5:44PM | Sat, 23 July 2011

Yes the DOF does that, low F-stop. :) As far as zooming in, I find 300mm works well for getting a narrow enough field of view to shoot though chain-link fences. Great capture of this great cat! :)



1:10AM | Sun, 24 July 2011

beautiful cat this is perfect job on this my friend. Great capture of this magnificent cat!



2:10PM | Sun, 24 July 2011

Fabulous capture, very handsome fella!!!



7:12PM | Sun, 24 July 2011

Ohhh....Precious shot!


12:42AM | Fri, 29 July 2011

Depending on your distance and the aperture (f-stop) you are set at, there will be varying levels of depth of field. So, in this case, you had the perfect situation where you were very close to the fence, the focus was on the tiger and the resulting bokeh blur of the fence in the foreground caused it to, as you put it, melt into the image. Of course, this is a very cool and desired result- it looks as though he is right on top of you about to pounce! Very nice capture!



11:33AM | Sat, 13 August 2011




5:51PM | Sun, 04 September 2011

I love it when bars disappear like that. Beautiful cat and capture! Wonderful detail!

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