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2D Atmosphere/Mood posted on Aug 04, 2011
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Thirtieth painting: ELSEWHERE 7(series of X paintings ) 7/ X ????…LA MEMOIRE DU SAPHIR / SAPPHIRE ‘S MEMORY « Objets inanimés, avez-vous donc une âme Qui s'attache à notre âme et la force d'aimer ?... » “Inanimate objects, you thus have a soul Who becomes attached to our soul and force it to love?...” A.Lamartine poète et homme politique français (1790 -1869 ) Bijouterie de la rue des Consuls ( RABAT –MAROC) Jeweller’s ( Consuls street /RABAT –MOROCCO) Real format after print (art paper or canvas) : 81 x 60 cm. Technique: Hand digital painting COREL DRAW and fractals elements Thank you for your comments and ratings

Comments (24)



12:59PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

Awesome colors and composition. Splendid work!!!



12:59PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

Clever art. Good rendering.



1:15PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

superbe travail pov et poeme...



1:20PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

Wow, what strong and sparkling colors and incredible details! You painted every little thing in the store! Amazing, almost like the prerafaelits. Also the mood is lighter, a true masterpiece.



1:29PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

OH WOW! How beautiful it is. I just love these colors together. Superb again.



8:55PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

This scene is so vibrant and full of life. Sapphire's blue aura seems to fill the bystanders with hope or inspiration. Like the viewer. I like you use of the fractal pattern in the sky - perhaps a star? I always imagine that Muslim artist must be fascinated and inspired by fractals. After all it was their people that made geometry and its research into an art form and potent architectural tool.



10:14PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

the gold colors and other contrasting ones are so beautiful.among your best



10:44PM | Thu, 04 August 2011

I appreciate how you distinguishes the differents levels and how you connect them through the use of the colours in each one of the figures in your scene. Very expressive! Excellent perspective and stunning colours! A great piece of art again Jean! Thank you very much.



6:46AM | Fri, 05 August 2011

Wonderful and beautiful realization my friend, great composition and beautiful palette of colors....!!!



7:13AM | Fri, 05 August 2011

Excellent work.



9:15AM | Fri, 05 August 2011

Stunning vivid colors!



9:43AM | Fri, 05 August 2011

Excellente réalisation! Très jolie..Beau travail :)



12:51PM | Fri, 05 August 2011

The woman in the window is a wonderful touchstone for the journey. She appears to be welcoming and reassuring, a guide along the way to let Sapphire know she's on the right track. A superb painting, my friend. It gives me a feeling of receiving comfort, of relaxing into beauty.



8:51AM | Sat, 06 August 2011




9:52AM | Mon, 08 August 2011

si les objet n'ont physiquement pas d’âmes,l'homme peut quand même leurs en donner une,ce qui fait de nous des dieux!! inquiétant,quand même!! superbe tableau!!



1:29AM | Wed, 10 August 2011

I am again there, in Morocco! Through your memories and visions this distant place again shine with its narrow street, specific colors and atmosphere that is unique. I was just about to miss your desert towns stories when this came! Great painting dear friend!


9:20AM | Fri, 12 August 2011

wunderschöne arbeit, kraftige farben, klasse motive 5+ cheers & have a nice weekend



1:40PM | Sat, 20 August 2011

Tres magnifique travail mon Amì!!!!Bravissimo!V:DDD.Regarder Whylma



9:18PM | Tue, 23 August 2011

un trabajo en todo sentido excelente!!!



7:28AM | Wed, 24 August 2011

Beautifully colored and detailed creation,excellent work*****



6:56PM | Wed, 24 August 2011




5:19PM | Wed, 07 September 2011

This is such a wonderful scene, I can feel the warmth that emoliates from it, thank you for such a bright piece of art for me to view. Well done, it is so good to be back again, hugs Jane xx



3:53AM | Fri, 16 November 2012

Les bijoux et autres objets, nous aident à nous souvenir, en effet...mais, dans ta toile, je verrai autre chose : ne devons-nous pas nous débarrasser de toutes ces choses matérielles et futiles qui encombrent notre maison et notre esprit et qui ont tendance à nous faire oublier le véritable bijou, la spiritualité, que je crois voir ici dans le ciel ? Encore une magnifique toile, Jean !



11:53AM | Mon, 26 November 2012

Le saphir, un bijou, le bleu... Une bijoutière dans la vitrine qui regarde une femme passer, lui sourit, peut-être même lui montre-t-elle la bague qu'elle porte à son doigt, et qui s'orne d'une gemme bleue. La femme dans la rue est comme une absence tout incarnée dans le bleu, le lien qui les unit est sans doute la bague comme un reflet du passé. Magnifique oeuvre, Jean!

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