Thu, Dec 19, 12:43 PM CST

a Kubrick New Year

Mixed Medium Seasonal/Holiday posted on Jan 01, 2012
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Hi folks another late entry, but better late than never ! Only 364 days left to get my act together...geez ! So I bet you like to know what a Kubrick New Year is ? my dedication to the most influential film I ever saw..."2001"a Space Odyssey Many of Kubrick's movies initially met with lukewarm reception, only to be acclaimed years later as masterpieces, also ironic is that he died in 1999 R.I.P ************************************************ Larry, Curly and Moe, the 3 wise Monkeys are celebrating in their own style on the mysterious Monolith with a Star Child to light the way for 2012 !!! BIG ~CHEERS~ HIP HIP HOORAY

Comments (31)



9:54AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Happy New Kubrick Year in that case ;)



9:57AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

fantastic tribute



9:59AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Delightfully Creative,



10:02AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Awesome scene Jeff, a excellent movie indeed, Best wishes for 2012.



10:12AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Happy New Year, Jeff!



10:48AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

44 years later it still stands as one of the the most definitive and influential SciFi movies ever made, Silent running ranks right up there with it. Wonder what the Fates have in store for 2012, guess we'll find out. Peace



11:04AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Well done.



11:05AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Super creative imagination and work! Great dedication, also, to a genius! I will just play 'Also sprach Zarathustra'and blast the building with the sound! Best wishes to you,Jeff! Happy New Year!



11:20AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Very cool image and great dedication to a fantastic visionary! Happy New Year to you and your family



11:35AM | Sun, 01 January 2012

A very creative image and super tribute to the great Kubrick. Space Odyssey was amazing, as were many of his films. I like what you did with the monolith. Wishing you a Happy New Year. CC



12:42PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Brilliant work...all thebest in 2012....



1:29PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

The glasses are a great touch. Great image!



2:03PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

great work very interesting



2:37PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Amazing composition and atmosphere my friend, super creative work! Congratulations!



3:07PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Excellent!!!!!!!!!!!! Also one of my Favorites of all time... A Happy New Years Jeff....



5:11PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Superb image, one of the most ground breaking sci-fi films ever! Happy New Year Jeff. :)



5:17PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

It's full of stars...



5:20PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Happy New Year



5:28PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Great idea Bro,happy 2012 too you and yer Mum eh.



6:01PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Out of this world - comes to mind and ZOOM a must! 3 wise Monkeys ? - nah, 3 blind Mice ? - nah, 3 blind (drunk) Monkeys - yeah! beautiful BG creation of the Planets & the Space Station, Long live Stanley K. - alas RIP ... shine a light Baby! BB



6:04PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

A very different New Year's greeting you have presented here. These three look to be enjoying their new year and I hope you did too. Great posing and reflections and your lighting looks superb too. A super imaginative work. All the best for 2012.


8:55PM | Sun, 01 January 2012

Awesome render and great tribute to one of the master filmmakers- 2001 still holds its own against many modern movies with huge special fx budgets. Hope one of the drunken apes doesnt burst the kiddo's bubble! :)



3:39AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Awesome work!



6:12AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Splendid work my friend, Happy New Year.....!!!!



9:34AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

I know these guys... kicked them outa the Lounge for being too rowdy, kept ordering Banana Daquiris and shouting something about "HAL is people....HAL is people...." you gots weeerd frens there... have a happy new year and looking forward to you giving us more adventures with Syd and Mata, and all the gang. peace, love, and bubblegum!



3:15PM | Tue, 03 January 2012

Nice one Jeff. Happy 2012!



4:09PM | Tue, 03 January 2012

I was just talking about that movie the other of the all time best I think.



10:44AM | Sat, 07 January 2012

"Planet of the apes" .... when I see it, I do not know ..... is the man from the ape-down or vice versa?? LOL super cool CHEERS with beer!!! Juli



10:13PM | Tue, 10 January 2012

Throw the guys another bone, Kubrik!


11:51PM | Tue, 17 January 2012

Stunning work!!!

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