Tue, Feb 18, 10:01 AM CST

Nisse for angora

Photography Seasonal/Holiday posted on Jan 02, 2012
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Angora asked me to show a Nisse. Well this isnt Danish, actually, it should be German. It is bought in Germany in the 60´s of my beloved mother in law, when she was on her way home from a vacation to Italy together with my parents. She has passed away many years ago, but looking at this, gives me sweet memories about her. I loved her dearly. This is the last season shot, this winter :) Wish you all a beautiful day. We have grey and peaceful weather today. Tomorrow will be quite stormy, they promise. As usual, Thank you for your always very welcome viewing, commenting and fav to my previous post. :-)

Comments (23)



4:39AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

He is not a very happy looking gnome!! We have a little sunshine today..wow!



4:44AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Atleast he got a fish on the hook ;)



4:58AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

made me smile :) Should I tell you we have had crazy warm weather here in California... gonna be 90f tomorrow :(



5:27AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Looks like he's fishing for love!! Nice shot Helle.



5:41AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Very nice!



6:05AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Very nice capture of this adorable little guy here Helle



10:20AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

En julenisse :-) Lovely shot


10:52AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... TYSM!!! :-D how sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! blush I love the nisser / tomte you see 'everywhere' in Scandinavia around Christmas http://www.samlaren.org/jennynystrom/ loveliest X-mas cards on earth?!! again, a very big THANK YOU!!!



11:48AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Wonderful composition and capture! :)



11:59AM | Mon, 02 January 2012

HA! What a coincidence. My mother in law´s name was Jenny :-)



12:58PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Very nice image! Great shot! :)



1:12PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

nice one



2:52PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

What a sweet little fisherman! Now don't tell me you shuffle HIM off to Greenland every winter! LOL! He's adorable. :)



3:24PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Really Cute,



3:53PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Aren't family things memorable? I know they are...I have a few treasures that belonged to my great grandparents and then my grandparents...I can sit and look at them and think, I am doing just what my great granddad did...winding this old clock every day... A neat pic Helle.



5:10PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Elegant and beautfiful composition



6:48PM | Mon, 02 January 2012

Very nice!



12:26AM | Tue, 03 January 2012

It is wonderful to have sweet memories, and then something to remember them by! :)



2:59AM | Tue, 03 January 2012

He's adorable and it looks like he has a tan...of course he would if he spends time fishing, right? I love the emotion that's evident in this image and your description of what it is and what it means...that makes it extra special!



10:11AM | Tue, 03 January 2012

Hi Helle, coming up from the storm in the Netherlands ;-) A beautiful pic and memories,here. Thank you for sharing them. So this is how an older Nisse looks like, after been fishing. I guess the whole day he's standing next to his pool. Thank you, dear Helle for the link from that song. Yesterday the whole day, that melody was coming up in my head. I listened many times. Fly away on the wings of love> GREAT!



11:44AM | Tue, 03 January 2012

Fascinating. I had heard of them before, but not in a positive way. This is very cool :) I love the link that angora gave us too :)



11:45AM | Tue, 03 January 2012

Very simple and beautiful image , Helle !



4:43AM | Wed, 04 January 2012

wow, cool ;o)))))))))))))))

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/2.8
ModelCanon DIGITAL IXUS 980 IS
Shutter Speed1/400
ISO Speed80
Focal Length8

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