Music and Art are my life...BIOI have began with Graphic Painting till young...I have done also Art Expos, but the really turn to digital Art happened when I succeed to became Videogames Software Manager for Atari Corp here in Italy. I collaborated in making some important Videogames :for example (The Arc of Captain Blood) with French Infogames. Was natural interesting of Computer Graphic that become also a work when I left Atari for a Musical International Distribution where I have worked some years. I work with several Graphic Programs and particoularly love Fractals (I used much Aphopysys and now I have passed to Mandelbulb 3D) often mixing my fractals with Vue and Poser 7 mixed media compositions. My main argument is Space and Sci-Fi. I hope you can enjoy my Art Gallery here on Renderosity.
(You see me here in a photo with my Love Adelyn, please remember always me in this way, because in this photo is resumed the inspiration font of all my Art )
  Thanks : Doriano & Adelya
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Comments (7)
Excellent fractal.
Beautiful! Corrie
Awesome composition. Great work
wotan Online Now!
Another beauty!
These pieces remind me of some of the art from the 60's. Sgt pepper lives ;)
Fantastic work.