Mon, Feb 10, 4:46 AM CST

Sky Scape, Dream

Poser (none) posted on Aug 11, 2002
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First part of a two part panel created for my nieces. Poser / Photo Shop Sorry forgot to add "a how I did it" type intro yesterday folks, I had no idea you all were paying attention LOL ... thanks for the reminders ;-), well these images were pretty simple ... my sister had wanted this type of image for the girls for a while and she was fairly specific in what she wanted .. so to start I just painted a huge sky (skies are very easy .. add 4 or 5 shades of blue on different layers and smear at will *g*), first I started with a Bryce sky, I think the default sky actually *blush* and just added on clouds ( I picked the colors from the original sky and just went down a few shades ).and then a grain over the whole thing play with the hues and opacity of each layer. The rocks I painted using a tut by Patric at Epilogue (addy below) Then I cut the sky in half .. I took the one half (actually I did the second panel first , I have no idea why..) into poser to use as a background image so I could set up the lights in Poser far as the characters .. well those are mainly textures, just select a outline no sleeves and promote it to a layer (ctl j) and then desaturate , then use the Brightness / contrast to darken it ...then hue shift it to a color you want.. same with the face paint.. (link to an example below) ... I make one render of the characters nude .. then another with the new texture map .. this means the light will reflect onto the textures .. remove the background and save as a tif.. back in PS I just detailed the characters and added a few things on like hats .. hair .. shadow and so on ...I made a separate render of the balloons for the panel that used them (a prop found here in Free stuff)... again save as tif and for the balloons I picked a color from the sky and used that as my background color in Poser ..( again then you have the light, shade and reflections right). Hope this makes sense .. feel free to IM me with any questions and thank you for the interest *s* Characters: Steph.. Millennium Girl, Wood Elf from Daz Texture example: Rock tut:

Comments (17)


7:22PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

Oh wow....I am just about speechless! This is so cool! I love the colors and the poses. I just want to reach out and grab one of those balloons!



7:31PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

Great work!



8:06PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

This ones perfect too. Love your colors, and just everything 10+++++++++++++++++++++++++++. :O)



8:51PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

This is beautifully done, the depth of your colors are just amazing!!



8:56PM | Sun, 11 August 2002

This looks like a professional illustration. Just beautiful!!! Love it!!!


1:00AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

I agree, really pro looking piece. Esp. composition.


1:23AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

This is amazing. Have you ever written any tutorials? I would love to learn a bit about how you do this kind of images :)


2:10AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

in awe


2:33AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

This is so sweet, lovely indeed! The poses of the bodies are just perfect and you painting is amazing, seems a real peinting!!



4:18AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

Great, wonderful, elegant ,well done,.... What words I can tell that not is usual for descrive the enjoy that I fell when i see your work. Great


7:50AM | Mon, 12 August 2002

OMG!!! This one is just as astounding. I would love to know more about how you achieved these works! Please IM me if you have a chance. I am in awe!



4:49PM | Mon, 12 August 2002

Just Outstanding work............


11:39AM | Mon, 26 August 2002

Again outstanding job on whole those ballons!!!



2:11PM | Mon, 17 March 2003

one of the best artwork I ever saw on RR


2:39AM | Wed, 19 March 2003

So beautiful! I also commented on your other one. I also voted. :) Please keep treating our eyes, with your wonderful creativity... as it looks like your talent comes straight from your soul.



7:09AM | Thu, 10 June 2004

i have to agree with clemens, this is one of my all-time favorites!



6:45AM | Sat, 07 April 2007

wow wow wow...EXCELLENT ;)*****very ;)

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