Thu, Dec 19, 12:21 PM CST

New Puppy

Fractal Abstract posted on Feb 26, 2012
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Creating these fractals with the cute little animals or insects is not a easy thing to do and takes practice but i will give u an idea of it all.It is not a program that u can put on the computer and unless u work in a lab as i do u won't have this result but as u can tell the same image is at the bottom and is done with polarized mirrors so it's just something i do to relieve tension and get my mind away from all the bad things i have to take on in this life.

Comments (28)



6:33AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

awww!!! :D you do great!



7:12AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

lol this is too cute my friend :) nice work



7:27AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

A super puppy with glasses on. Brilliant.



7:29AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

The thing with the googly eyes seems to be smiling. It is good you have a cheery outlet, may it chase away the dark for you~



7:50AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Stunning colours and presentation! A most interesting title for this as well! I really like your design and the way you've put this together so symmetrically... aesthetically pleasing!



7:59AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Excellent and very clever, Brandy!



8:15AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

so is it a photograph?it really does not make a difference because I enjoy them without knowing the particulars.very similar result can be done with Apophysis



8:46AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Aw, cute!!!! :-D Gorgeous colors. Corrie


Flint_Hawk Online Now!

9:03AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

I saw the puppy immediately! :-) However you make these they are great!



9:38AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Great idea ...fantantic



9:39AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Your images are indeed a source of pleasure to the viewers. This one in particular is very impressive.



9:52AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

puppy with glasses and bows at the ears :) cute !!



10:28AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Very cool image did you rotate this yet 90 degrees, I think you'll be surprised at the result



11:02AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Very nice render. I like the title also. Well done.



11:22AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Cute big eyes puppy, excellent work! :)



11:43AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Hoo and has a haircut lol? This make me smile, well done again and thanks so much for sharing your efforts (((5 + +)) Hoo et il a passer chez le coiffeur lol?? Cela me fais sourire ,bravo encore et mercis beaucoup de partager tes efforts (((5++))



11:58AM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Cute design and work my friend, very well done.


12:00PM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Excellent work



4:07PM | Sun, 26 February 2012

gorgeous image



5:42PM | Sun, 26 February 2012




5:46PM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Great image. I love it, and is great too that it helps you to feel good. Instant fav.



8:37PM | Sun, 26 February 2012

Amazing work on this beautiful image!!



9:45PM | Sun, 26 February 2012




4:25AM | Mon, 27 February 2012

Excellent work.



4:33AM | Mon, 27 February 2012

I must be awake today as i can see it-Elton's puppy



2:29PM | Mon, 27 February 2012

''so it's just something i do to relieve tension and get my mind away from all the bad things i have to take on in this life.'' (dbm) DBM: SUPERB work, above! ... Now, just VISIT the FEEBLE gallery of TallPockets and YOU will SOON realize just HOW GOOD you have things! (WINK). HANG TOUGH! .... SMILES.



9:52PM | Tue, 28 February 2012

Super fractal and brilliant colors! Cute looking puppy to!



10:17PM | Tue, 06 March 2012

Ohh.....Lovely colors, superb fractal!

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