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Face to Face

Poser Fantasy posted on Mar 30, 2012
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Scene: At the tower of Kalud's fortress "The day I had been waiting for has come, Kalud. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, I came back to put and end to your nefarious deeds and to avenge my people." For this scene, I would like the focus on Roxanne, so I ommitted Kalud. As the story said, "He clutched his hands to his throat and choked back a muffled cry and shook violently again. Roxanne was coming for his head. And Kalud laughed, a laugh of madness and despair." The conclusion will be tomorrow. Thank you for your comments and for just taking a peek. Please zoom in to see the details. PREVIOUS: Thoughts of Kalud thumb_2314464.jpg

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Comments (77)



12:46AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

WOW!!! Absolutely OUTSTANDING image!!



2:25AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Magnificent !!!



5:25AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Amazing scene!!:))



6:19AM | Sat, 31 March 2012

(Gorgeous hair) WooHoo! Awesome render! Stunning attention to detail with her texture, clothing and weapons. Now off to peek at that conclusion...



7:36AM | Sat, 31 March 2012




12:11PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Really should have viewed these in order. Brilliant render



6:42PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Excellent! She looks pissed. Great render and I really love the hair. Really beautiful work. The overtured lamp is a nice touch.



7:13PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

Jenny, I love that very balanced, elegant pose that still means business at the same time. Great expression, and the way you mirrored the turbulence in the scene of expression and overturned furniture with the turbulent sky works so nicely to pull it all together in color and feeling! Super beautiful! And thank you! :)



10:28PM | Sat, 31 March 2012

He can't even run anymore let alone hide. Great showcase here of the tattoos and battle scars. Awesome hair.



7:33AM | Sun, 01 April 2012

wwow!!!!!!Totally amazing, her skin is unbelievable!!!!



10:58AM | Sun, 01 April 2012

This is really great work!



2:47AM | Mon, 02 April 2012

Wonderful artwork, Jenny ! Fantastic work !



8:42PM | Mon, 02 April 2012

Having a quick peak at my favourite galleries whilst on holidays in the States: of course yours is top of the list tonight, Jenny. Your story line is raw and feels epic: Roxanne's pose is disarmingly beguiling, almost seductive, except there is no mistaking the look in her eye. He hasn't a prayer. Mere madness won't help him much, here... she's a woman with a mission.



2:45AM | Tue, 03 April 2012

Well she looks dangerous but beautiful.



11:18PM | Sun, 08 April 2012

A fantastic render as Roxanne gets her revenge. Also liked the background.



5:35AM | Mon, 09 April 2012

very cool



7:58AM | Thu, 19 April 2012

Wow, Jenny, you can see her thoughts in her eyes and she means hard business. This is beyond superb! The way her hair moves accents the illusion of height of the fight platform. I love this!

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