Sun, Feb 16, 3:16 AM CST

DONT PANIC - Heart of Gold

Work In Progress Science Fiction posted on Apr 08, 2012
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Firstly, I would like to take this opportunity if I may to welcome myself back to the world of contributing to images and art commentary on Renderosity. Welcome Back Turin. Thanks Huw. Now, on with the show. This is my concept for the space craft 'Heart of Gold', described in the book version of Douglas Adam's wonderful 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy' as a sleek, white running shoe. Although the radio series came first, I was introduced to the various permutations of the story via the BBC television series, which used Adam's book description above as a basis for their design. I have added small 'nods' to Adam's other work of beauty, the computer game 'Starship Titanic'. Please let me know whether you feel this design is worth continuing with. I have spent approximately a week working on it. The 'horse shoe' section at the rear of the craft is intended to house a ring-like 'engine' as well as a docking ring. If I continue to work on it, this will be the main addition. I would like to recommend that this image is viewed at its full size, so that you can more accurately judge the competency of the modelling and enjoy the subtleties of the image's detail.

Comments (6)



10:13PM | Sun, 08 April 2012

Happy Easter a wonderful sci-fi



1:23AM | Mon, 09 April 2012

Yes! do continue...excellent start!



6:06AM | Mon, 09 April 2012

The scene is excellent!...the ship is great! on, I would like to see it finished!...the texture are awesome..



6:05AM | Thu, 12 April 2012

Excellent Model,Fantastic Image and Scene..Enjoyed the The Movie Version



5:11AM | Thu, 10 May 2012

The lighting is perfect for your scene ! And the model is nicely done... Congrats ! :)



7:54AM | Mon, 14 May 2012

I think that you have done a wonderful job on this image,I really like the fact that the lighting is as it should be if this was in real space. The lighting on the spaceship looks very good giving the ship just enough detail on the unlit side to show some of its detail. The background looks good very good and I really like the touch of the Nebula at the top right corner. Very well done my friend. All the best, David

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