The dreamer : boy's dream (2) by Leije
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Je suis depuis toujours passionnée de dessin (dessin, peinture, collages...). Coachée par mon compagnon Jean C, je me suis mise à la 3D avec Poser et depuis, je ne peux plus m'arrêter...
Je vis en France dans le Tarn avec Jean_C
Traduction (automatique)
I have always been passionate about drawing (drawing, painting, collages ...). Coached by my friend Jean C, I started in 3D with Poser and since then I can not stop ... I live in France in the Tarn with Jean_C
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Comments (50)
Lovely couple & work.
Wonderful work and the sweet young couple are so beautifully posed***
Time among us: From this cute guy I would let me wear it. Puts extra-uncomfortable shoes on and waits for Andreas Fabulous made, the background all in carefully rounded off!
They're dreaming of a dream life. That's top! I love the girl pose, it's really very well done and I'm sure she's not in a hurry to get down. Young Andreas doesn't look to be unhappy either. The background and the lighting are also wonderful. It seems to be the landscape where the gargoyles were at first with Young Franck's dream. In this case, he's really unlucky. He made the gargoyles go away and now, it's another one who gets the girl. :D Ils rêvent qu'ils ont une vie de rêve. Trop top! J'adore la pose de la fille, c'est vraiment très bien fait et je sûr qu'elle n'est pas pressée de descendre. Le jeune Andreas ne semble pas mécontent non plus. Le décor et l'éclairage sont aussi magnifiques. Il semble que ce soit le paysage où il y avait les gargouilles dans le rêve du jeune Franck. Si c'est le cas, il a vraiment la poisse. Il a fait partir les gargouilles et maintenant, c'est un autre qui récupère la fille. :D
Ohhh....lovely expressions my friend, the setting is marvelous and the lighting too, loved it!
what a wonderful scene my dear friend, love the poses....superb work.
Wonderful light. Awesome poses. Enchanting background: Just superb stuff!!
Wonderful, lovely and fun!!!
Excellent work!!!
Very lovely scene!
This posed set is great. I love the characters and the scene.
This is a great pair of characters. You should continue this theme and even add a story bit if the mood suits you. Very creative and well composed work. 5/5 and favorite with me.
Excellent image, wonderful poses.
Amazing pose. erland
You have captured just the right expressions here to make this a really beautiful scene. Great work
Voici un duo qui s'entend à merveille. Et j'aime le paysage.
An amazing render and two very happy and smiling faces!
wonderful light, mood and landscape! both chars are in playful poses and happy expressions! ;o)