Sun, Feb 16, 11:56 AM CST

European Stonechat (female).

Photography Animals posted on Apr 27, 2012
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The European Stonechat (Saxicola rubicola) is a small passerine bird that was formerly classed as a subspecies of the Common Stonechat. Long considered a member of the thrush family Turdidae, genetic evidence has placed it and its relatives in the Old World flycatcher family Muscicapidae. The etymology of the English name derives from its call, sounding like two stones knocked together. The scientific name Saxicola means "rock-dweller", from Latin saxum, a rock + incola, dwelling in; and rubicola, "bramble-dweller", from Latin Rubus, brambles + incola. Le Tarier pâtre (Saxicola rubicola) est une espèce de passereau appartenant à la famille des Muscicapidae. Le mâle est aisément reconnaissable avec le fort contraste de sa tête noire, son collier blanc et son poitrail orange vif à roux. La femelle a le dos et la tête beige et est dépourvue de taches blanches sur le cou, la croupe ou le ventre, ces zones étant striées brun foncé beige, la seule tache blanche étant retrouvée sur les ailes et elle est même souvent chamois clair. Thank you for your comments on my previous upload : thumb_2323628.jpg "European Stonechat (male) – Tarier pâtre"

Comments (15)



11:51AM | Fri, 27 April 2012

Beautiful capture I love it!



11:52AM | Fri, 27 April 2012

A really nice capture Michel.



11:53AM | Fri, 27 April 2012

Love the Gold touch !



12:47PM | Fri, 27 April 2012

it looks like what we call the Robin.beautiful bird



3:28PM | Fri, 27 April 2012

Awww. She's pretty! The light in this really enhances the similarity of color between her and the branches.



6:01PM | Fri, 27 April 2012

Very cool capture


12:59AM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Very pretty bird and a lovely shot with nice light!


7:21AM | Sat, 28 April 2012

belle photo !!!



10:52AM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Lovely capture of this little bird!



10:53AM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Love the colors in this image--beautiful little bird too.



11:10AM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Nice capture and color!!



12:08PM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Thank you for your comments & favs; my next upload : thumb_2324329.jpg "Tree Pipit."



2:09PM | Sat, 28 April 2012

Stonechat's thin spindly legs never look strong enough to hold them up. Lovely shot!


4:01PM | Sun, 29 April 2012

wat een schatje... great image!!!



2:14PM | Fri, 02 November 2012

Lovely photo!

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Photograph Details
F Numberf/16.0
ModelNIKON D300S
Shutter Speed10/10000
ISO Speed400
Focal Length500

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