Sat, Feb 15, 1:00 PM CST

3 Years!

Fractal Abstract posted on Jun 06, 2012
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En memoria de los niños, Que murieron consumidos por el fuego… No olvidamos ese día… No entendemos la impunidad… No vemos la justicia llegar, La maldad y soberbia Glotona de intereses obvios y mezquinos se entrelazan cual alambre de púas, en cada individuo, Llamado *servidor publico* presidente gobernador diputado Y así a oídos necios ojos ciegos llegan a besar por las noches a sus vástagos? No hay corazón adentro de sus pútridas entrañas… La conciencia más temprano, Rebasara cual sombra. Que los sigue al oír… Algún sollozo, Grito o risa de niño… Con garras desenterraran sin que se den cuenta al pasar de los años, lo que un día NO DEBIÓ PASAR! La señora justicia La propia vida. A cada judas Se colgara…. A tres años de indiferencia De la más triste tragedia De un México, que no puede olvidar… ************************************** In memory of children, Who died consumed by fire ... Do not forget that day ... Impunity not understand ... We do not see justice come, The wickedness and pride Greedy and mean obvious interest which intertwine barbed wire, in each individual, called * public servant * president governor deputy And so the ears fools blind eyes come to kiss at night their offspring? No heart in its putrid bowels ... The earliest consciousness, Exceed a shadow. That is to hear ... Some sob, Child cry or laugh ... With claws unearthed without them noticing Over the years, that one day SHOULD NOT HAPPEN! Mrs. Justice Life itself. Each judas It hangs .... Three years of indifference In the saddest tragedy From a Mexico that can not forget ... ********************************************* ********************************************* I could not let this day, Mexico is full of impunity ... here, recovering strength. Thank you for your friendship! I hope, soon be here. Always your friend. Cecilia. God bless you!

Comments (34)



10:39AM | Thu, 14 June 2012

Wonderful very touching and beautiful tribute!!



10:22PM | Tue, 26 June 2012

a sad and touching tribute. well done. my thoughts and prayers are with you.



11:17PM | Sat, 07 July 2012

Such grief and sorrow for so many .. a beautiful and very sad memorial for all those children. I wish you strength and healing .. and I wish it for your country.



10:12PM | Sun, 08 July 2012

Marvilhosa imagem e homenagem minha cara amiga, parabéns!

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