Stopping to Smell the Flowers by psyoshida
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This seems appropriate today as we wait for hurricane Isaac to pummel us with tornadoes. We are missing the direct hit by the hurricane itself but are in the next worst location, the eastern side that spawns tornadoes. The winds up, white caps are on the water and the tide is rising. Yeeeha!
Thanks so much for your kind comments on my previous picture "Trial Run".
Mouse by J. Trout and strawberries from Daz3d
I will try to comment today as long as the electric stays on. We've already lost it once today. If I don't get to you today, I'll be back... (to quote a phrase). :)
Comments (65)
sorry to hear about your weather, due to you posting meaning you are doing ok.. :) My mom was hit by a tornado a couple years back ripped her backyard full of trees but her house was saved, a very lovely vue image.
Very cute image Good luck with the storms just stay safe
This is so sweet. I like the vivid colors.It looks like a painting. I hope the tornadoe isn't too bad on you.
the ants are perfect ...
Superb render with beautiful details, excellent!
we loose our power from time to time also, wow! what a tasty and adorable image..
Ken _Gilliland
nicely done
Cute scene..stay safe!!
adorable and very vivid ! I am smelling also !!!
Wonderful image, the mouse and the insects are great. Those strawberries look delicious!
Very nice job! Hope you're all stocked up and windows secured as much as possible. Hope all works out well and be safe. No evacuations? Surprised you're even online but I know at some point you have to turn off computer. Take care and post something after it's all over so we know you're ok. XD
Excellent Image and Work,Stay Safe
anitalee Online Now!
awesome image render, the mouse and the ant look busy eating your strawberries! great work!:)*5 take shelter and weather, we need you here!:)
You have done it again! Love how you add little details like the little bug. I love the colors they are so vivid. Hope the storm misses you please let us know when it's all over and you are safe and sound.
Lovely image! I hope that the hurricane loses its strength before arriving at your house... try to stay safe!
This is a very simple and lovely render very imaginative
Very Sweet!
Magnificent composition and render ! It's very realistic as always but there is a touch of fantasy ; a very poetic image I think ! The ground texture is very well ! I just bought this item a week ago! (to do a kind of odd pict with giant fruits I think, Lol!,I don't know exactly what for the moment; just 1 or 2 ideas !) Be carefull with that storm !!
Beautiful strawberry patch and little visitor, superb work! :) I hope you stay safe, I know I'll try.
Beautiful as always. Looks good enough to eat--The berries anyways :) Thoughts & prayers are with you over the weather. Been through many a Florida hurricane & tropical storm & Here we get a lot of tornadoes.
Very cute scene. Wish you the best of luck as you weather the storm.
very lovely scene, like it!!
Looks delightful my friend, marvelous and cute image, Joy of nature! Super smiles, another fine artwork! ***
excellent work
Absolutely magnificent piece.
excellent as usual!
This is so cool.