Sat, Feb 8, 5:55 AM CST

The Consternation of Id

PhotoShop Surrealism posted on Oct 15, 2012
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Primary background image created using MB3D, final image constructed in Photoshop. Thanks for taking a look. con-stel-la-tion (noun) 1. A group of stars forming a pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form. 2. A group or cluster of related things. con-ster-na-tion (noun) Feelings of anxiety or dismay, typically at something unexpected. id (noun) The part of the mind in which innate instinctive impluses and primary processes are manifest. Some of my other work can be viewed at;

Comments (13)



6:02AM | Mon, 15 October 2012

Well done, like the scale of this!



7:21AM | Mon, 15 October 2012

Wow! This is awesome! Excellent!



7:27AM | Mon, 15 October 2012

Excellent work !


8:18AM | Mon, 15 October 2012

This has a lot going on here....Depth,Scale,Light and Shadows,which when done right creates balance which you have succeeded in doing with this image...Very Nice!



10:00AM | Mon, 15 October 2012

Your art-work is super cool. I thank you for it. 5+!


jclP Online Now!

11:05AM | Mon, 15 October 2012




3:58PM | Mon, 15 October 2012




1:19PM | Tue, 16 October 2012

Look like it could be magnetic - Excellent work Matt



4:15PM | Thu, 18 October 2012

very cool scene, excellent composition



11:44AM | Thu, 01 November 2012

I agree to what KnightWolverine said - everything is balanced perfectly here. Brillant work.



10:08PM | Mon, 12 November 2012

Very nice, well composed, great use of MB3D Peace



12:47PM | Thu, 15 November 2012

J'aime beaucoup!



9:30PM | Sun, 09 December 2012

Marvelous. I love the sense of scale. I definitely have to catch up on viewing your gallery, and as I'm jumping around a bit here, I'll have to say that all of your work is top notch. I particularly like the mood of this and the sense of scale. Your written description works perfectly as a compliment to this image: almost like text as art, which is something that I happen to enjoy immensely. This image, like your others, really implies a strong, and moving story, and that's never a bad thing. This particular image is making a trip into my favorites.

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