Of course, I have a special connection to every book cover I create. Even though I rarely get to read the text, I end up discovering the character and story through the creation of the art. Naturally, the cover art is more about the characters than me, but SOMETHING of the artist always creeps in. I'm told, more than I realize, myself ;P
With this particular cover, the connection is more than a glimpse into my personality, it's also a glimpse into my heritage. A segment of my family is Spanish Gypsy, having migrated to the States during WWII by becoming a soldier for the US, a time when the Gypsies were in danger of being obliterated by Hitler and his camps.
My grandfather didn't talk much about our clan (mainly found traveling in the region of Alcantara, Spain), feeling it safer to let gadjos forget all about his being a Gypsy, but I felt myself drawn to that side of my lineage, the older I got. By the time I went to college to be an artist, I was studying all I could about the traveling people and my lineage, and was soon found and adopted by a Scottish Gypsy Clan.
I am sure you all can now see why I was so excited about this book cover. I simply could not pass up the opportunity to create a cover including Gypsies ... well, at least a caravan in the distance ... lol.
You probably can't tell I spent hours brightly painting the vardos and did my best to represent the beautiful Gypsy Vanners, with their luxurious coats, glorious manes, muscled bodies, and extra full fetlocks (no, not the battle-wise creature you see in front ... lol), knowing the labor of love would not be very visable in the final piece.
A Wandering Warrior, by Harry E Gilleland, Jr. (courtesy of 4RV Publishing), will be available in just a few weeks, so be sure to keep in touch if you like historical fiction/action-adventure novels.
A Wandering Warrior, an historical fiction/action-adventure novel, takes place in twelfth century England. Thomas Beaumont, a commoner, warrior and an itinerant soldier, loses his uncle in battle and his brother through the duplicity of another. He wanders over the country, using his skills to live and to search for the man who killed his brother.
His search brings him the love of a traveling young woman, but romance must wait for revenge. The twists and turns of fate challenge the warrior in many ways, often creating doubt for success. The goals at the ends of his searches hold a reader's interest.
I hope ya'll enjoy looking at this one as much as I enjoyed creating it.
Last upload: "MidSouthCon31 & John Picacio"
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Comments (40)
Very beautiful cover and truly fascinating narrative Happy Easter to you and your family (if you celebrate it)
Great job my friend.
A most excellent piece of work my friend!!
Great story! Great cover, too. ")
nice work My father is Hungarian but, we are not of a any gypsy clan but I'm sure there is some gypsy blood running through my veins despite my fathers claim o the contrary.
Very well composed art work, and all the more interesting due to your accompanying narrative. Happy Easter.
Awesome work, happy Easter
Really marvelous cover my friend, excellent composition! Congratulations!
Sensational work! I like the way he looks so directly into the camera!
Beautiful cover well posed
great cover art, sounds like a great story, your history of family is very interesting, hope the book sells big-time!:)*5
Beautiful book cover work my friend, interesting family history.
Very good work! Thank you for sharing your story.
nice book cover my friend:)
Fabulous work my friend and very very great image!!!
Excellent artwork! Have a Happy Easter!
splendid image
Very nice cover and interesting family history.
Great job!
Great story and great image. Very beautiful artwork. Bravo. Happy Easter to you and your family!
wonderful..the cover tels his own storry
Bamboleo, bambolea Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi Bamboleo, bambolea Porque mi vida, yo la prefiero vivir asi... Nice "inspirated" Cover
Excellent cover!
Strong character, excellent cover !
Wonderful! I like the character and expression!
Fantastic cover, outstanding work!!!!!!!!!!!!
Flint_Hawk Online Now!
A great cover & fascinating information! It is too bad the Gypsy Vanners are so far away!
Exellent done.