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Exodus - Last Hope

DAZ|Studio Story/Sequential posted on Jul 22, 2013
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Wilbur Johnson and his son Alexander arrive in Last Hope,one of the bordertowns located near the Tit-Ridge mountain chain.(lol). Wilburs had to leave his lands ,due to the economic crisis his bank got bankrupted and the new consortium of Greed & Sheed made completely new rules,Strawmen aquired the mortgages and in the end chasing the settlers from their lands. In the process on the voyage to the havens for immigration Lambada his wife died on pneumonia.That leaves him alone with his son in a rough environment,insecure of what lays ahead. I would suggest to get involved with one of the ladies there to have someone for the kid,but then the rough ladies here might not be the right type lol.

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Comments (40)



12:19PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Yep, time to get the heck outta Dodge, pardner! :-D Sounds like it's time to wipe the slate clean and start over... On Spackoine, and some other places as well.. Awesome as always, Doc!



12:28PM | Mon, 22 July 2013




12:30PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Das Geschäft mit den Bordsteinschwalben geht überall..... Aber ich denke, er wird es Alexander nicht antun, so ein Vögelchen als neue Mutter zu präsentieren. Feine Location und so ein satter blauer Himmel!!!



12:34PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Excellent scene! I think maybe Wilbur should look beyond this lady on the street, to take care of his boy ;)



12:35PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

At least they'd teach him how to survive. ;} Super job! ")



12:40PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

A cool seen for a new planet settlement.



12:51PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Maybe she can play ball with the boy?



12:57PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Fantastic image!!



12:58PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Excellent my friend.


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1:01PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Excellent work



1:10PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Il ferait mieux de se méfier des dames du Wild West! belle image, René !



1:12PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Une belle scène de western futuriste, bon travail, René!



1:20PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

excellent :-)



1:23PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Really nice western scene, Rene!



1:26PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Real cool looking setting, Rene. Still it sounds like he is going through what many of us today are ;)



1:55PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Nice style, lovely lighting, excellent scane and work!



2:41PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Amazing work!!!



2:58PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Poor and caring, rich and cruel - I'll take the first one!!



3:10PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

fab job doc, you really have a great assortment of characters for this western setting my friend. tops!



3:19PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Fantastic work! Wonderful poses and composition.



3:24PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Wonderful environment and very nice colors. It looks like a futuristic western scene. If he really looks like a new wife and a mother for his child, I don't think he picked the right person. This 'pistolera' doesn't really look like a housewife. :D Magnifique environnement et très jolies couleurs. On dirait une scène de western futuriste. S'il cherche vraiment une nouvelle femme et une mère pour son fils, je ne crois pas qu'il ait choisi la bonne personne. Cette 'pistolera' n'a pas vraiment l'air d'une femme au foyer. :D



3:27PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Poor guy sure doesn't have it easy. Hope he finds someone... One great looking render!



4:41PM | Mon, 22 July 2013




4:42PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

excellent render



4:43PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Coole Szene ... unterstrichen von einer passenden Beschreibung mit ein paar Spitzen!!



5:43PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Supremely excellent scene Rene.



5:48PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Very good work on the scene. the situation sounds oh-so familiar - wonder where it has happened before?...hhhhmmmmm



7:40PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Man the look said it all, love the robot icons !!!



7:50PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

Good scene!



8:44PM | Mon, 22 July 2013

In the mirror of Spackoine comes the reality of well... ;) Maybe there's a nice school teacher in town? Lol. Excellent scene, Rene!

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