My Name is René, born 03-April-1955
i come from the Grand -Duchy of Luxembourg,and my wife UteBigSmile and me have been living in spain the last 17 years,where we discovered renderosity and the 3d world.
Due to health reasons i lost my job and i got retired early,and last year (2013)we moved back to our Home Country!
My hobbys are PC,Internet,Pc-Configurations,
reading fantasy,as well as from april of 2008 doing 3drenders. ............................................... As my father bought me only the cheapest of accessories for painting in school(he was maybe not able to afford more expensif stuff.),the other kids were laughing at me,and so i decided that: i will never do art in my life,imagine i was 8 years old. so i managed to build up a "blockade",concerning art until april of 2008. then my wife utebigsmile was behind me and she pushed me to do something instead of playing only my ego shooters and working with photographs,where i was unable to get inspired. I had a copy of poser but i did not came along with the program,then i went to a 3d forum,because i told myself ,there must be more people like me outside in the cyberspace(LOL). Finally i got an offer,Bryce 5.5 for free and Daz-Studio,i tried a week around and little by little i was able to understand the basics. so i upgraded my bryce to version 6 and i got a platinum membership on daz, a lot of freebies and cheap articles,i bought like wild, Now i do have a content of +-500gigs and i carry on . what gave me the most is this feedback from the people here,and also everything well educated, the whole way of getting along with each other,the respect etc... gives me soo much. Update:UteBigSmile is getting better and better,in health and in spirit-lol. She does wonderful graphs as well-but now she is also addicted on DazStudio.3d. And this is it for now, "God" bless you all here the link to my page:
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Comments (40)
Yep, time to get the heck outta Dodge, pardner! :-D Sounds like it's time to wipe the slate clean and start over... On Spackoine, and some other places as well.. Awesome as always, Doc!
Das Geschäft mit den Bordsteinschwalben geht überall..... Aber ich denke, er wird es Alexander nicht antun, so ein Vögelchen als neue Mutter zu präsentieren. Feine Location und so ein satter blauer Himmel!!!
Excellent scene! I think maybe Wilbur should look beyond this lady on the street, to take care of his boy ;)
At least they'd teach him how to survive. ;} Super job! ")
A cool seen for a new planet settlement.
Maybe she can play ball with the boy?
Fantastic image!!
Excellent my friend.
shingleboot Online Now!
Excellent work
Il ferait mieux de se méfier des dames du Wild West! belle image, René !
Une belle scène de western futuriste, bon travail, René!
excellent :-)
Really nice western scene, Rene!
Real cool looking setting, Rene. Still it sounds like he is going through what many of us today are ;)
Nice style, lovely lighting, excellent scane and work!
Amazing work!!!
Poor and caring, rich and cruel - I'll take the first one!!
fab job doc, you really have a great assortment of characters for this western setting my friend. tops!
Fantastic work! Wonderful poses and composition.
Wonderful environment and very nice colors. It looks like a futuristic western scene. If he really looks like a new wife and a mother for his child, I don't think he picked the right person. This 'pistolera' doesn't really look like a housewife. :D Magnifique environnement et très jolies couleurs. On dirait une scène de western futuriste. S'il cherche vraiment une nouvelle femme et une mère pour son fils, je ne crois pas qu'il ait choisi la bonne personne. Cette 'pistolera' n'a pas vraiment l'air d'une femme au foyer. :D
Poor guy sure doesn't have it easy. Hope he finds someone... One great looking render!
excellent render
Coole Szene ... unterstrichen von einer passenden Beschreibung mit ein paar Spitzen!!
Supremely excellent scene Rene.
Very good work on the scene. the situation sounds oh-so familiar - wonder where it has happened before?...hhhhmmmmm
Man the look said it all, love the robot icons !!!
Good scene!
In the mirror of Spackoine comes the reality of well... ;) Maybe there's a nice school teacher in town? Lol. Excellent scene, Rene!